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        Saturday, June 17, 2006

       A Bush Lover Writes In.

keep those cards and letters Repubs.From a Bush Fan.

""Do we really need 6 multi million dollar F16 Attack Hornets"" What the hell is this? If u want F-16 that's called Falcon, Hornets are F/A
18 u moron.
So I sugest u check what a hell u talking about u bitch before u start
publishing that crap.
By the way do u know that I hate liberals. U f**king b*****s thing that u
are the best and u can do whatever u want? what a fuck? U suckers are just
complaining about mr president George W. Bush, but I'll tell u something u
are NOt even from one hundreth as good as he u f**kg assholes. Liberalism
is just selfdestructive crap, which causes more dmage than good. And u
should know it u liberal idiots. Do u know that even newborn is capable of
better sugestions than u are.
Why don't u all pack ur f***ing asses ang go to russia, thats where u belong
u f***ing morons, U still think that u can cause problems to America, go to
hell u f****ing bastards. Even a diarrhea is more pleasant than u f****ing
I'll tell u something just go to hell u f***ing bastards, U are nothing but
just a bunch of lousy assholes.
I would like to tell u to kiss my ass but I'm not gonna do that because,
detest u, f***ers

H.L. Responds
In the first place, the first sentence about Attack Helicopters, I have no idea what you are talking about. How about specifying what it is you think I said. I don't remember ever talking about Attack Hornets; I wouldn't know what they are anyway. As for the rest of your note, I hate you and all Bush lickers just as much as you hate me. You people are the reason this country is so screwed up. I can tell by your writing that you are an educated man. Why is it that everyone that loves Bush writes like a 5 year old. You obviously are a clueless moron, so of course I am going to take what you say to Heart.
Oh, and I love America, that is why I fight to save if from you people who wouldn't know an original idea if it bit you in your fat ass. If you don't like it, why don't you move to Iraq? By the way if you love Bush so much why aren't you over there fighting his war for him you chickenhawk. I guess you don't mind that 2,500 soldiers are dead, as long as it isn't you. Liberals are here to stay, better get used to it. Now go watch Fox news so you can get more of your Scholarly Education


At 11:00 AM, Anonymous said...

liberals like you I hope rot in hell

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous said...

Ever wonder whos political ideas best fit America's free way of doing things? Both sides claim theirs is the best. The proof is in the pudding. The democrats get elected and enact policies that tie people together in their search for no poverty and so forth. Why is it then that they(liberals) never can get to that goal? Its the republicans! The republicans get elected and tear down or turn back the libs efforts. Why then do people keep voting republican?? Well..they just might not like the tax raises! They just might not like the military cutbacks. The dems or liberals would have to have power fore ever and fore always. They could NEVER loose any elections. We ALL know thats damn well not gonna happen. So its elections that are causing libs the problems. Not that they keep loosing them. Just that they occur at all. Their ideas dont gell in a free place where its people can vote. Folks might decide they dont want to be made to care and show it on election night. People might want to keep stomping the hell out of the enemy and show it on election night. People are aloud to say NO and its hurting liberals cause. What is my advice to them?? "TURN OUT THE LIGHTS THE PARTIES OVER" The fat lady is about to sing!! Whats all that?? Well that is Buck's take!!! ha ha ha ha Buck out!!!

At 2:24 PM, DFW said...

And to thikn that people like that can vote, own firearms, get a license to drive, and will procreate.


At 7:11 PM, Anonymous said...

I most definitly vote. Just for republicans. My wife votes for who I want her to. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!I most definitly own fire arms. Three semi-automatic SKS assault rifles. Yes three blazing beauties. I have named them Alpha, Omega, and the Ace of Spades. Do I have a license? Not if they ever catch me burnin' rubber ha ha ha ha hA HA HA. Do I have kids?? Yes sir!!! Guess what they think of liberals and anti-war goons? Guess which party I tell them is over run with wanna be socialists? Guess which party I tell them dont wanna protect them?? Guess which party I tell them reminds me of a dying cock roach??? Buck out....


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