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        Tuesday, May 02, 2006

       Video: Frist Blames Clinton For Gas Prices

Think Progress
Watch it:

Do you believe these gutless, ball less Republicans, still blaming Clinton after 5 years. They are a bunch of sniveling little cowards. When they all get run out of office in November, they can all go home and cry about how the Liberal Media ran them out of office. Chickenhawks, cowards, unpatriotic little a**holes. Thats All republicans. Anyone got a problem with that????


At 10:49 AM, Anonymous said...

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At 12:04 PM, Anonymous said...

Yeah, I gotta problem with that. Is it any wonder liberals are usually blue collar? Because they aren't intelligent enough to be white collar, hence they're broke. Probably like you, you poor little person. Now in between begging the government for hand outs and trying to blame better people than yourself for your pathetic little life, go wash my car.

At 12:14 PM, H.L. said...

No you don't, Sorry but I have the power around here. I reposted the first comment minus a little name calling at the end. Did you really think I was going to leave that up there?.

Now to get to your comment. Yeah its the Liberals that are poor??? Thats why ALL the places worth living in, you know the ones where houses cost the most, are Blue. L.A. NYC, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco, Boston. And all the places that suck, vote Republican. Mississippi, Alabama, Utah, Montana, South Dakota, Tennessee, etc. Yep people from those states are all a bunch of rich hillbillies right. Yeah OK, Now go clean my toilet

At 12:16 PM, LMZ90028 said...

Buck should really appreciate the above comment...if he's not the one who wrote it. Talk about thinking you know better than the rest of us, thinking you're superior...something Repubs like to trash the "highbrow" Blue Staters for all the time. I didn't realize money alone made people so intelligent. Guess Paris Hilton must be your idea of a genius.

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous said...

See H.l. We can have dumb asses in our party like the poster #2 and still beat yall. Democrats might get voters like me if they would get off the hybrid puss. What do you think republicans are? They are mostly libertarians and people who used to be democrats. Foriegn policy, foriegn policy. I cant stress it enough. Now as far as rich and poor, big and little. I have found that rich liberals and poor liberals share a common ignorance. I have come to find that rich conservatives and poor conservatives share a common intellect! For instance I blame more than Clinton for high gas prices. I put more of the blame on YOU LIBERALS. I want to see gas refineries from San Dieago clear to the red wood forrest. Get my drift??? If not then I hope like hell yall are enjoying $4.95 a gallon cuzz thats what ya get!!That might even get costly for a hollywood movie star. What do you think H.l.?? Buck out.

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous said...

yes I have a problem with it you sniveling liberal coward, did you ever notice that all the people like you that question and call soldiers and republicans names are the same people that would cry and squirm and call our republicans names if you were the ones getting beat by foriegn terrorists once the liberal party is outlawed then We will all be better off.

At 1:05 AM, H.L. said...

To that last poster. Huh???????

At 1:11 AM, H.L. said...

Buck, as far as refineries from San Diego to the red wood forrest. What are you trying to turn the West coast into? Texas? We need to develope alternate sources of fuel. If we had started when Jimmy Carter wanted to we would be there by now. No dependence on Mid-east oil, (or a lot less anyway.)therefore no wars for oil. But the Texas Oil Mafia had to have their way because their philosophy is that the many should suffer while the few, (Texas oil millionaires like Bush Sr.) get obscenely wealthy. Giving large Tax breaks to SUV owners doesn't help either, it just encourages everyone to waste even more fuel.

At 8:16 AM, LMZ90028 said...

You think what we have in office now are Libertarians??? How much money do you think has been poured into the Iraq fiasco. Money that came from mine and your taxes. And you know all those great new jobs that Bush claims he has created...they were GOVERNMENT jobs!!!!! So if you're a libertarian-fine. But you're really being fooled if you think voting for the repubs these days furthers your cause.

At 2:01 PM, mzcuriouz said...

really, don't you folks think anonymous is just a republican POSER ;D yankin' your chain for a giggle....

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous said...

Come on yall!! Im getting hit from the left and from the left. ha ha ha ha. Why do we need to develope alternative sources of fuel when we can just build more refineries???Global warming is a bunch of crap. The history of VOLCANOES and the toxicity and gas they have put out for the last 5000 years proves that to me. Now if TEXAS can take one for the team why cant California? If you dont think we are at war because Al qaida wants one I would have to question your intelligence. Hey Imz90028. I never said I was a libertarian. My grandpa was a democrat that voted republican ever time since Reagan. Liberals need to have a talk with Zell Miller(D)...powerfully educating. Me.. I said what the hell if democrats are gonna chicken out to enemy nations I cant and never will be one...Buck out..


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