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        Tuesday, May 16, 2006

       Super Secret Mission

This is a 15 Part Comic.

Bush lands in Oklahoma for a graduation speech at OSU

See The Rest Of The Strip Here


At 3:55 PM, Anonymous said...

To any brave American soldier who happens to be reading this. The Hollywood Liberal is indeed funny I have to admit. The Bush jokes "while spikey" are none the less funny. Whats not so funny are the soldier jokes. Dont let the comics get you down. From MOST of us here in America YALL HANG IN THERE. Dont pay attention to the polls. Half the people who they sample by phone dont vote anyway. The enemy cant hold out fore ever. They will run out of idiots before to long. And thankyou from here in America. Also a special thankyou to you from the Lone Star State....Buck out

At 3:33 PM, H.L. said...

"The Enemy Can't Hold Out Forever"
Thats right, sooner or later Bush will crack, and go completly insane.

"Half the people who they sample by phone dont vote anyway."
Especially in Texas where only 29% Voting Eligible People actually Vote.

To Iraq Soldiers reading this. If I had my way you would have never been over there in the first place.

At 4:37 AM, Anonymous said...

This site is shameful. There are brave men putting their lives on the line for creeps like you all to be making fun of their efforts
Bottom line, it doesn't help their moral

At 8:15 AM, Anonymous said...

what kind of fucked up website is this??? I sent a year in Iraq on a gun truck and resent your dumbass comments on these soldiers. But I quess I fought in Iraq to defend your right to post this stupid stuff.

At 10:22 AM, captnKrunch said...


At 2:39 PM, LMZ90028 said...

Everyone completely missed the point here...they see military and suddenly plug their ears and wave the flag around. Why the military is considered by so many to be off limits, unreviewable and unquestionable is beyond me. Seems people who take such pride in doing their jobs and doing them well would not fear scrutiny.
And why is it HL's responsiblity to boost the morale of the military fighting a war that MANY do not support? If those in the military truly think this is a worthy cause, then I would think they don't need anything else.
And I'm not completely ignorant on the subject of the military, as the child of Vietnam Veteran who is adamantly against this war.

At 4:10 PM, Anonymous said...

Hey dude ...The one that served in Iraq. Right on the nose. You hit it right on the nose. Thankyou for protecting my family and I. I wonder If H.l. has the balls to say the same????????? Buck out....

At 4:14 PM, H.L. said...

To the guy who was supposedly in Iraq. So I suppose you are going to tell me that their wern't some psychos over there, that just signed up becuase they wanted to Kill. Whether it was "ragheads", "Hajis" or whatever. I'm not saying all, or even most are like that, but some. Like maybe 1 in each unit. The rest of the guys are normal dudes.
in a bad situation.
Oh an one more thing, THANK YOU for fighting for my right to post this stuff. God knows that if you weren't killing innocent iraqis for no reason except oil, that my right would to do this would be taken away. Thank You for stopping Saddam from taking away my website.

At 3:08 PM, PeaceKeeperUSMC said...

this is all ive got to say...

You liberals are more unintelligent than I thought. Why don't you do something that is worthwhile, like petition for breastcancer or something. Bush is not anti christ, and troops know what they are doing, they see things you don't see, and everyone who likes the fact that their kids dont get their hands crushed for being caught stealing should SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.

-Soon to be United States Marine

At 6:01 PM, Anonymous said...

Your photo is of a British soldier, not an American (you idiotic, liberal dolts).

At 10:49 PM, H.L. said...

Hey Peacekeeper USMC, so you are a soon to be Marine, yet you already calling your self USMC, the boys in the core may not like that. So what you waiting for, get your ass on down there. oh wait I know you are waiting until you turn 18 in 6 years from now. Whatever you say Jr. Soldiers see things that I don't see?? Is that why most of the soldiers in Iraq believe that the mission they are on is a farce??? And once again, are you trying to tell me that no one over there isn't into it just for the killing. I don't understand the last sentence, are you saying that if we were not in Iraq, that I would get my hand crushed if I stole something, boy what the hell are you talking about.

At 10:51 PM, H.L. said...

To the guy who said the picture is of a British soldier, in which picture, there are like 15 of them. Of course as usual no back up to the claim, How can you tell???, Even if you are right, it got the point across, no???? It must have are it would not have gotten you all hot and bothered enough to write in. Y'all come on back now ya heah???

At 6:37 AM, Anonymous said...

I find it very funny that you have the beliefs that you have and you do not believe someone who posts on your website that they are or were in Iraq. You have no back up for any statements you try to make in your cartoons so what the hell. Why woud you not beleve that. Anyway, I have been here in Iraq for 3 years now. Wonderful place. I was here first with the military defusing bombs (IEDs) but the civilian sector paid much much better so now I am here with them. Long story short: This war was needed and long overdue. These people enjoy their new found freedom and as soon as they realize the full potential of freedom they can stop the terrorism(you see Saddam used force to rule and they were not able to fight back. Now terrorist are using force to rule and they do not know how to fight back) As for imigration laws and retribution: "Its about time" It did not all just happen while Bush was the president. It has been happening over many decades so why would you try to bash the man for trying to do something about it. That would be like me bashing your stupid group for trying to "save earth" why bother now we been screwing the place up for thousands of years. For the record I was in the military since 91. Came over and killed some Iraqis the first time we should have gotten Saddam. Then I went and killed some Somalis in 93. I enjoy it and would not mind doing it some more if the opportunity ever arises. I truly hope that all that died at my hand needed killing but if one or two did not deserve it that is a small price to pay for doing what is right.

At 9:52 AM, H.L. said...

There you have it folks, Read the last couple of sentences of the last posting. Now this guy I believe is/was really a soldier, in Iraq.

Thank you for making your points in a calm intelligent manner, something all the phony brave "Yahoos" are not able to do on this board. Wow there is a lot to go over here. Lets take it point by point.

"You have no back up for any statements you try to make in your cartoons"

I did not put up any links with this particular comic becuase it was blasted all over the media the day before about how Bush wanted to send the national guard to the border. Obviously the comic is not based in fact. It is an attempt to make people think, and laugh at the same time. Many of the comic predictions we have made have come true, this one may too.

"I was here first with the military defusing bombs (IEDs) but the civilian sector paid much much better so now I am here with them"

This is a very underreported story in Iraq. The use of mercenaries instead of regular army soldiers. These guys make up to 10 times as much as The army guys, that of course is our money that is going to pay them, so naturally the government doesn't care, but by doing this they don't have to bring back the draft which would ratchet up the anti-war movement tenfold. Nothing like the threat of being sent over there to get young people to spring into action protesting.

"These people enjoy their new found freedom and as soon as they realize the full potential of freedom they can stop the terrorism"

Come on, you don't really believe that do you? The War on Terror will never end, just as terrorism will never end. It has been going on since the beginning of time. According to Bush anyone who does not agree with him is a terrorist. Do you really think that the day will come that everyone will be happy with the way things are and just all live in peace?? No way, as long as one group is in control, another group will want that control and use any means necessary to get it. Example A. George W. Bush.

And finally the coup d' grace.

"I was in the military since 91. Came over and killed some Iraqis the first time we should have gotten Saddam. Then I went and killed some Somalis in 93. I enjoy it and would not mind doing it some more if the opportunity ever arises."

Eat it, all you War Lovers

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous said...

War lovers. George Washington..Abraham Lincoln. Tommy Franks. John McCain. Ulysses S. Grant. Robert E. Lee. George Patton. Ronald Reagan. Harry Truman. George W. Bush. Zell Miller. Sam Nunn. George Bush Sr. Norman Swarskoff. Micheal Span. my your standards H.L. the first "chicken hawk" come out the egg in 1776......My granpa PISSED IN HIS PANTS when his truck was attacked by a German column. He did look at it differently....he did not think we should ever wait until the last sucking second to do something....America was birthed in actions you despise. She still exists because of the actions you despise. You have a love hate relationship with America. You like the freedoms for damn sure but to hell with how we got there...Buck Out...

At 1:29 AM, Anonymous said...

Ok Number one:
The amount of illegals comming into America is equivilent to what any other country on the face of the planet would consider and invasion. I read that fact in 1994 just after returning from Somalia. We as Americans have been letting this happen peacefully for decades. It will never hurt you, I can see, as you spend your time on this silly web page but it will hurt that gas station attendant with two kids. If his children fail to get an education or cannot support him in his old age he will be forced into a life of poverty because all of the government money has been used on illegals.

What better tool to stop an invasion than a military?? What is to think about or so funny about that?

Did it ever occur to you that explosives is sort of a skilled labor. I am no rocket scientist (well really I know quite abit about them) but my schooling would have taken way too long to institute a draft and train persons to do what I do in time to make a difference. "Mecenaries" as you call us are necessary for reasons other than your so called political purpose. (by the way, everything is not a big conspiracy(sorry)

No I do not think that Iraq will stomp out terrorism in its entirety. That is your problem.(you inturpet what is said in its most extreme possibility) What I meant by my statement is that most of these countries in the arab world have terrorism in one form or the other and are livable and quite safe really. Iraq is not one of them but can and will be in time. They will gain control of their country and I imagine one day I will be back for a visit to see Babylon and where the Tigris and Euphrates meet.

When the U.S. was burning the japanese out of their caves on the island of Iwo Jima who thought we would be visiting Tokyo 50 years later? And we were in less than 20!!!

Look, I misrepresented myself a little. I enjoy the hunt and the action that is involved in war. An intelligent prey that can fight back. Most times when I lie in bed at night I have to justify my actions of taking a life from family members unknown to me. You nor anyone else can judge my actions or feelings but I ask you. In actuallity law is law and all law is based on religious beliefs. Who told you that it is not proper to kill?? Here is the point:
A drag racr likes to speed. As long as he is doing on the track and not on I95 what is your problem with that. If the U.S. government (elected by its people) build a track I am happy to get my weapon and race on it.

Last thing if you have bothered to read so far:

My company in Iraq was required to destroy 100 Tons of Iraq munitions and weapons a day. There were five companies that had the same quota. That is 500Tons a day. I did that for 2 years. 356000 TONS!!!!(712,000,000 pounds)of Weapons and ammunition. That is not a typo.

What does your logic tell you about the possibility that Saddam may have opted to buy one or two weopons of mass destruction?

No, you and yours are right I bet since he knew the western world would frown upon that sort of thing he wouldnt attempt it and the gassing of the Kurds in the north(which, by the way, has stomped out terrorism in that region(something not reported enough) as seen on discovery channel was most likely a ruse just like the lunar landing.

At 1:10 PM, H.L. said...

To the post above, you said

In actuallity law is law and all law is based on religious beliefs. Who told you that it is not proper to kill??

As you say Law is based on religious belief. Who told me it is not proper to kill??
Have you read the 10 commandments lately? If not take a look at number 6.

At 8:48 PM, Anonymous said...

The next original thought you idiots dream up with be your first. It takes a hell of a lot of balls to put this brand of "humor" online, that freedom protected by the very men you make fun of.

At 10:54 PM, H.L. said...

Hey dude, Have you heard of Hadith yet. Sounds to me like I did a pretty good job of predicting the future. Keep believing those right wing lies bro.


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