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        Monday, May 01, 2006

       The Search For Bush's Mojo.

News Item: Bolten: Bush Has Lost His Mojo
This is a 13 Part Comic.

Bolten, Bush lost his mojo

See The Rest Of The Strip Here


At 6:23 PM, Anonymous said...

Mccain looks like he is going to inherit Bush voters. Lets see how much liberals can stomach. All of the negative press and heat from people like you H.l. are stiring the liberal flock. Your getting their hopes up. Your setting them up for a let down. This will be much to my delight! Twirling in those liberal heads is the hope that all of the negativity and bad news is some how gonna pull Bush from office or get democrats elected in the future. This is a case of wishfull thinking from the great beyond. You liberals keep that mascot! HEEEEE HAWNKK HEEEEE HAWNKKK..HA HA HA HA Its very fitting. Us republicans will keep holding that carrot out there for yall to chase! ha ha ha ha ha ha Buck out.

At 6:39 AM, H.L. said...

So you think that people are going to vote Republican despite 28% approval ratings for Bush, and even lower ratings for the Republican congress. Of course there is still a good chance that Democrats will lose becuase they refuse to fight. They didn't fight when they had the elections of 2000, 2002, and 2004 stolen from them. The republicans are setting up to steal more elections, and the Democrats refuse to do anything about it. Diebold, Sequoia, and ES&S own a majority of the voting machines in the country, they are owned by Republicans who have pledged to do anything to win elections including cheat. Its the only way they can win.

At 4:14 PM, Anonymous said...

H.l. Why do democrats and liberals constantly try to make up their national security incompetence by claiming election fraud and so forth? I think claiming that every election that dont go yalls way is a voter/default coup de ta is getting a little old. Dont ya think?? Do I still think people are gonna vote republican? Does a bear poop in the woods? Is the pope catholic? Are democrats dish water weak on national security? Why thats a mighty hell yeah man!! Buck out!!!!

At 8:17 AM, LMZ90028 said...

If the dems are so weak, then why didn't Osama hit us when CLINTON was president. You are quick to forget whose watch that happened on.

At 4:32 PM, Anonymous said...

Because he was most likley hoping for four more years of military reductions under a president Gore! Obviously faced with a major build up of American military power they had to bump up their plans and go with what they had or risk loosing it all. If Gore would have got elected we probably would have had buildings dropping in every major U.S. city!!! Buck out...


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