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        Wednesday, May 31, 2006

       Marines Kill an Entire Family & More in Iraq.

On May 16, I did a comic called Super Secret Mission The comic was about The Military having to go patrol The U.S. Mexican border
at the beginning of the comic the troops were in Iraq, and one of the soldiers kills a whole family of Iraqis at their home, and oh the outrage.
Here are some snippets of comments I got from that. "This site is shameful. There are brave men putting their lives on the line for creeps like you all to be making fun of their efforts"
Heres another what kind of f**ked up website is this??? I sent a year in Iraq on a gun truck and resent your dumbass comments on these soldiers."
and another "You liberals are more unintelligent than I thought...Bush is not anti christ, and troops know what they are doing,"

Then today comes this story
Murtha on Haditha: I Know There Was a Cover-up The Chain of Command Tried to Stifle the Story

Last November, a group of U.S. Marines apparently went on ;the worst rampage by U.S. service members in the Iraq war, killing as many as 24 civilians in cold blood. Today on ABC, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) said that U.S. officials learned of the alleged massacre in Haditha a few days after it happened and organized a cover-up:

This happened before I did the comic but I didn't know that. Oh how I hate to be right sometimes, but I'm afraid I am going to have to run this
headline one more time. (I think its about the 13th time)

H.L.s Comics Successfully Predicts The Future Yet Again.

As I said The Comic is from May 16, and its called Super Secret Mission

Heres a video from Think Progress
MURTHA: This is what the Marine Corps told me at the highest level. The Commandant of the Marine Corps was in my office just last week, so you know. I know there was a cover-up someplace. They knew about this a few days afterwards and there’s no question the chain of command tried to stifle the story. I can understand why, but that doesn’t excuse it. Something like this has to be brought out to the public, and the people have to be punished.

Watch it:

Murtha was also asked whether he thought the alleged massacre would have been made public if not for the Time magazine investigation published in March (read Time’s new follow-up report) His response: No, I do not think it would have come out, and it’s unfortunate because this is how you lose the Iraqi people.
Full transcript below:  read more »

Get the story before it happens. Read Read H.L.s Comics


At 1:24 PM, LMZ90028 said...

I can not possibly guess how the military enthusiasts will justify this one...although I'm sure they will try.

Those Marines just created the next generation of Osamas. Every child that had to watch their father get shot in the head in his own home is not going to forget or forgive. We should all be ashamed.

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous said...

Well some reports are stating that terrorists were using cilvilians as human sheilds.

Is that even a possibility?? I am sure it is possible.

Why couldn't we wait to convict those involved. I am guessing because maybe some people would rather have guilty Marines instead of waiting for the facts.

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous said...

And to add to that whoever you are...Why do some in America seem to hate this place as bad as the terrorists do? If they dont like what Americas doing get the hell out the US. If not Ill see them in 08 when they ready themselves for four of some more...FOUR OF SOME MORE!!! That when the nuclear football goes to McCain. Then you will have 12 straight years of war against the enemy...Imz what do you think of that....can you take it?????...Buck out.....

At 9:43 PM, LMZ90028 said...

I'll be fine whoever is the president, I just have a conscience and care about the effect our president will have on others.

This is my country too, how dare you tell me to leave. I love it here, but I don't believe in blind faith.

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous said...

Our country has been hijacked buy two political parties.
Not how the founding fathers would have ever wanted it to happen.
If you want REAL change then vote both parties out. now elections might as well be decided by a coin toss.

Coke or Pepsi you choose!!!
They both taste enough alike that I can't tell the difference after awhile.

At 3:16 PM, Anonymous said...

Poster above debates have been going on since the birth of the nation. Hell they even debated wether or not to fight the British. There was just as much bitterness amoung them then as there are now. I just hope that the wiser argument continues to win the crowd now as it did then. ..Buck out....

At 4:01 PM, roger said...

Am I alone in this?

"I want to hang every GI in Iraq as a way of getting at our sworn enemy George Bush"

At 8:58 AM, LMZ90028 said...

Roger, you are definitely not alone. I think anyone who is paying attention and is not still caught up in the "bring it on," "you're with us or you're with the terrorists" mentality can see that, though we may not have caused the problem, we are making it worse. And the amount of money and lives spent to get to the point we are at now is pitiful.

I'm sick of people treating this as a "woo woo woo" (Arsenio Hall dogpound chant) sport.

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous said...

The "dog pound" has been barking ever since the first British soldier lost his head to a musket ball back in 1776. Basterd didnt make it home to see his mammy....good riddence. Some real loud barkin went on during battle for Texas. "REMEMBER THE ALAMO"!!!And then the quickest ass kicking known to man to date. The Battle of San Jacinto. Ambiguous minded people run adrift. "oh were all human beings wether were communists or socialists or terrorists or atomic ayatollas" is the lame-blamess John Lenon spell-casting Sh*t ever thunk up!!!!Get real IMZ!! We owe our existence as we know it to such hooooorahhh.........WOO WOO WOOO WOO!!!Buck out.....

At 4:15 PM, H.L. said...

A round of applause to The Texas Education System. No wonder they vote for Bush down there.


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