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        Tuesday, May 30, 2006

       Bush Screens a Movie

News Item:Bush To Hold "United 93" Screening
This is an 11 part comic

Bush views flt.93 movie

See the rest of the strip Here


At 4:43 PM, Anonymous said...

So whats wrong with Bush viewing the movie??? So you think Bush knew the hijackers were about to strike?? And you think he did nothing so us war lovers would get a war?? You think the hijackers and terrorists attack us because of what we do to them. Thats defeatest rational when we are just responding to their attacks. If we are not to take a RAH RAH RAH point of view then which one should we take.????? The DOWN DOWN DOWN USA point of view????Oh..Oooooohhhhhh how you wish all that comical crap was true....Aint it so brother????Reality circles around your head but cant find a runway...Im laughing long and hard....Buck out....

At 6:46 PM, H.L. said...

You and the other 24% can keep on believing that.

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous said...

Keep that finger up in the wind to long as does your political brothers and it might freeze. You dont really think that means anything do you? Hes the prez. Your president. A re elected president. The numbers your babbleing dont mean a hill of STINK. NOT A HILL OF STINK!!!DO YOU HEAR ME???? NOT A IOTA OF COTTON PICKIN' STINK!!!!So keep farting out your nose and playing jack in the box with the liberal media. I can see a cloud of STINK over hollywood from way here in TEXAS and Im laughing long and hard!! ...Buck out...

At 10:25 PM, LMZ90028 said...

Yes, and when Clinton was YOUR re-elected president I'm sure you were bitching and moaning and "babbling" about him as well. Difference is, in 50 years people will look back on Clinton as a good president who did a very stupid PRIVATE thing. People will look back on Bush and be ashamed, and we'll still be trying to undo the damage he is doing.

At 12:03 AM, H.L. said...

You see a cloud of stink over Hollywood, Hey your the one who lives in the middle of all those cows, talk about a cloud of stink.
whooo baby.

A) He's not my President. I said that on January 20, 2000, and I say it now.
B) His people stole the second election too. I know I know another conspiracey theroy. Its all documented, read Greg Palast if you don't beleve me.

At 9:17 AM, crusader bunnypants said...

Um, How did Flight 93's wreckage managed to come down in three locations up to 8 miles apart unless the plane was uh shot down?

Bush says fight against terror is 'World War III'
US XXXXXXXXX George WMD Bush said the September 11 revolt of passengers against their hijackers on board Flight 93 had struck the first blow of "World War III?" The prez has repeatedly praised the heroism of the passengers in fighting back and so launching the first blow of what he usually calls the "war of terror".

At 9:20 AM, crusader bunnypants said...

I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, I'm a very very angry U.S. Citizen, what the hell happened to the rest of you. I look very very forward to seeing the entire U.S. Government being brought to the ultimate justice for their lies, war crimes, and terrorism.

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous said...

To the conspiracy non believers...

If you would take the time to actually research this stuff (instead of relying on FOX news and your lack of interest in the truth) you will find VOLUMES of documentation and TOO MANY correlated coincidences that support the conspiracy. Study both sides of the argument with an un-biased eye and you too will eventually enjoy the taste of humble pie as I did.

Galileo pops into my head for some reason......

Research Points:
1. Both the Bush Elections (from the electronic voting standpoint) and (from the voters revoked privilege standpoint).
2. Bush family history - Prescott is a great starting point for this.
3. Rove, Dick, Rummy, and Wolfie all have plenty of bones in their closets as well.

Don't be a lazy keyboard perpetuator, research these topics!

I think the comic was great!
Keep 'em coming!!

At 12:31 PM, beervolcano said...

YES!! That's awesome.

Perfect. It's precisely what i was thinking when I read the disgusting story.

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous said...

Its humerous but you make Herr Bush out to be TOO HUMAN.

At 3:22 PM, Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that the Americans do not understand that their government did this just like they killed JFK and Robert Kennedy

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous said...

Hey Imz ....No president that loses his nuclear button card will be regarded as worth a damn anything....oh and he lied under oath!! put that junk in your wack bag.....Hey H.l. are you still shaking the chad tree????Evertime the democrats loose its voter fraud default coup de ta. Please!!! Come off that broken record!!!....He is your prez...Im laughing long and hard. Up until say Jan 20 2009.........Long and you........Buck out...

At 6:04 PM, Anonymous said...

I was working in an office in Arlington. Everyone was watching the TV in my boosses office, which overlooked the pentagon. We all the the plane hit the building. But, whatever, believe whatever you want.

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous said...

Perhaps I am a victim of an new gov't mind-ray or hallucination gun. Barring further evidence, however, its much more likely that I actually did see a real plane hit the real pentagon and really fucking explode.

At 8:36 PM, Anonymous said...

Where did the wings and the tail go?

Where is the evidence of the damage that the wings and the tail caused when they hit the exterior of the building?

We've all seen images of the pentagon before the wall collapsed...

Maybe your "republi-gun" is preventing me from seeing it???

At 11:00 PM, H.L. said...

anonymous, anonymous, anonymous, Anyone can come on anonynmously and claim anything. Nothing any of these anonymous posters has said sounds very convincing to me. Oh yeah they were all there and saw the plane hit the building, if so you might provide a little more detail then "I saw the plane hit the building and explode" I know I would. Keep trying people.

At 3:30 PM, Anonymous said...

I have gave up hope dude...You have lost your cookies. Check yourself in some place man. Do you think your directing a movie?. The conspiracy theory you dove mites is a big pile of dog sh*t. Covered up with another layer of dog sh*t. Topped off with 500 extra lbs of thats right DOG SH*T!!!!Buck out....

At 1:53 AM, Fight the Corrupt said...

Clinton sure must have been an unknowing accomplice during his eight years for all his failures on taking terrorism, hijacking and on and on seriously, and Bush Sr. before that and Reagan and Carter before that.

Get real: Bush did not cause the FBI hierarchy to bungle their chance nor did Bush or the Republicans recruit the Arabs who were the 19.

But Bush did do many things since that were less than circumspect, less than intelligent and much less than honorable.

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous said...

LOL!! It is amazing how the better educated and well-read people always seem to be democrats.

At 6:43 PM, Anonymous said...

A-men brother!!!!!!! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!............Did I mention the USA????? ...Rome would have burned quick if she would have had to confront the USA......Buck out.

At 7:46 AM, Anonymous said...

Very cute H.L...........well spoken or not ...hee hee hee Who sits in the white house??? Yepp....MMMhhmmm...WHO????? WHO??? WHO??? Buck out....

At 5:38 PM, NuLiForm said...

Tre' Cool! TY TY TY! *Grins*
Thrilled to see it is getting out to the gen public that this nightmare Was an inside job!
Now, if we could only get it out that our elections are fixed, and we Really need to take a stand about that....*sighs*

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous said...

funny as all get out.

At 5:55 PM, Anonymous said...

shit you're stupid and i don't even like bush


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