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        Saturday, April 29, 2006

       Rush Limbaugh Arrest Blotter, and Mugshot.

As you all know Rush Limbaugh was arrested for Drugs, (something he said everyone should go to jail for, of course he won't) Here is his arrest blotter, and mug shot.

Rush Limbaugh arrested for drugs in Florida


At 12:38 PM, Anonymous said...

Rush got busted for pills. Cheney got busted for DWI. Bush got busted for wreath snatching. Ive been busted for assault. Hey man we are republicans. Regular people. Clinton got busted for purgery???Nope!!! The word IS saved his ass. Do you have any words that saved you in court H.L.?Have you been took down town in the paddy wagon? Did you do jail time??? huh??? Buck out....

At 1:24 PM, H.L. said...

Regular people don't go on the radio and call Jerry Garcia for being on drugs, and say that ANYONE caught with drugs should do hard time, while doing enough OxyContin everyday to kill an elephant. That is not a regular person, that is a Hypocrite to the maximum degree, just like all republicans. Have I been arrested? yes for Protesting at the Republican Convention, but it wasn't a paddy wagon, it was a bus, and the charges were dropped. You can read all about it Here

At 5:34 PM, LMZ90028 said...

That's what right-wingers don't get...we don't care what Rush does in his own time. Heck, I'm sure he needs those pills so he can live with being himself. Can't blame him there. It's the fact that he is so quick to condemn everyone else for doing things that he himself has been caught doing. The things that he has said about drug addicts have been god awful...he has shown 0% sympathy and compassion for people in this position in the past, now he expects to get off scott free. It's really unbelievable. Luckily he is pretty irrelevant these days so we don't have to look at his sweaty mug on TV all the time anymore.
Sorry I have no witty Ryan Seacrest-esque sign off...


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