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        Sunday, April 02, 2006

       Crisis Management Whitehouse Style Bolten Replaces Card

President Bush's second term is in trouble

See The Rest of The Strip Here


At 6:12 PM, Anonymous said...

Hl! Bush is not as nervous as you think. Im sure Bolten and Card would agree that in spite of the lower ratings when it boils down to gravy the majority of Americans still think that liberal leaders are piss poor on national security! Its a curse they will have forever. They need to make me chief of staff. I would tell Bush to just let the dems keep saying that they think there better at foreign policy and we wont have to work to hard. We will just laugh our way through the 06 and 08 elections as liberals wither from the vine!! ha ha ha ha!! Hl this poor uneducated rural conservative as you refered to me feels that he is winning the debate!! Oh by the way! If you are who I think you are would you still give me your autograph???? The Buck stops liberals here!!!

At 6:21 PM, H.L. said...

You are correct in your belief that most American's believe that Democrats are soft on National Security. I am no fan of the way the Democrats do much of anything these days. But 9/11 did happen on Bush's watch, the only time the continental U.S. has ever been invaded by outside forces (or were they inside forces) Clinton's people tried to warn Bush about Osama when Bush took over but they didn't want to hear about it. I hope the dems run feingold/clark in '08, With an experienced combat General as V.P. perhaps peoples expectations will change.
I never called you a uneducated rural conservative by the way, if you go back and check the comments you will see what was said.

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous said...

Hl I got me a good working printer.
I quote" You can decide which this poster is the rich educated conservative, or the poor uneducated rural conservative who votes against his own intrests because he is too stupid to know the difference." To me this means you think you know whats best for me. I am poor indeed. However, poor as I am I still know whats best for me!! Do you really think cuzz that you know whats best for me??? Is that what HLs' think. Should I really flow with that?? Rumsfeld dont think he knows whats best for me nor Bush. You are correct that Sandy Berger tried to warn Bush. He gave them memos that shown for eight years there was a dangerous and growing threat from Al Qaida. The tick tocking watch ticked by when the USS Cole got hit! The tick tocking watch ticked by after the first world trade center bombing!! The tick tocking watch ticked by in the late 90s as Al Qaida were learning how to fly planes without landing them! THEY knew didnt they?? Of whom do I speak?? Of course its Hillary who would be in on everything, Slick, and national security advisor (or should I say lack there of?) Sandy Berger!!! Attack Al Qaida first??? Hell no!!! Premption??? Hell no!! Sit on their ass and pass the hard work to someone else??? Hell Yes!! Them tick tocking watches cause problems across the board dont they Hl??? Buck out!!!

At 9:43 AM, H.L. said...

You Said

"I quote" You can decide which this poster is the rich educated conservative, or the poor uneducated rural conservative who votes against his own intrests because he is too stupid to know the difference." To me this means you think you know whats best for me."

All I did was leave it open to the reader to decide what you are, I never even speculated myself much less said so. Now to you that may mean that I think I know whats best for you, but I never said that. Now if being poor while The Republicans are giving tax cuts to the rich with money they borrow from China, is right for you, go for it dude, It sucks for the rest of the country though. If watching your fellow countrymen die while Halliburton gets even richer in a war that was based on lies is right for you. Oh and if 9/11 was Clinton's fault the that must mean the Cole bombing and the first World Trade Center attack was Bush Sr. Fault. Just using your logic, pretty dumb isn't it.

At 7:40 PM, Anonymous said...

My lord! This aint someone rich telling me to be jealous of someone rich is it?? I hope not!!Even though I am on the lower end of the income bracket I still got me a tax cut! Now, I would be a sorry ass If I thought that the rich should not get a tax cut! Would that not look funny or what. It would make me look like I was inherently tied to my fellow man!!!Thats Bull!! Thats not America!!We are in deficit because of our massive military spending. Given the state of world.......hold dude ....Man hold on.... I just got a ring tone world alert.....My cell phone is showing me that Iran 15 minituets ago tested another Shehab 3 ICBM.... Back to the arguement... Al Qaida were manifesting during the 90s so 41 did not have memos to give to Clinton!! It is my conclusion that enemies of America over estimate the passive element here. I believe this is the ultimate cause of wars because throughout the history of man weakness has drawn agression. Even back in the day!!I suspect it has always been that way. Take the massive military spending that you dont like and add about 9000 more zeros to the end of it and what do you get?? Well thats the cost of not spending the money. The world aint as shady grey as some would have us beleive.. Buck out!!!

At 4:13 AM, H.L. said...

It must suck to live in such a climate of fear, which is exactly what Bush and the government want. If they keep you afraid they can get anything they want from you including all of your liberities guaranteed under the constitution. All they have to do is keep you afraid. The U.S. always needs a boogeyman that they can point to and say "be afraid, be very afraid we need another 50 Billion so we can buy more weapons from our friends in the defense industry so we can fight the boogeyman" You know that places like Iran, and Iraq consider us terrorists just as much as we consider them. You think maybe Iran is testing missles because they want to keep themselves safe from us??? We are the ones who attacked their neighbors in Iraq for no reason after all

At 4:46 PM, Anonymous said...

Im sorry Im gonna have to get tomorrows coment ahead of time. You think yesterdays military exercises by Iran dubbed the "PHROPHET" lead by the supreme Mullah Komenie who thinks hes got 72 virgins waiting in the coming showdown is defensive in nature? My hollywood friend there are real boggiemen that exist in the world by their own making with their own minds. I think people that feel that everthing is a mass CIA conspiracy have lost touch with reality. I want your honest oscar winning, box office opinion. Do you really beleive that?? Buck out!!


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