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        Sunday, April 09, 2006

       Bush Gets Leaked On.

This Pt. 1 of a 13 Part Strip

Bush speaks about leaks

See The Rest Of The Strip Here


At 2:44 PM, Anonymous said...

Did Saddam order the attack on 9/11? No he did not. Were there any Al Qaida operating and training in Iraq before 9/11? What fool believes there were not? What orther nations fund and train Al Qaida? Iran, Syria, and Libya! Is the United States at war with those nations because of that? Yes! The United States is! Does the president have the legal right to leak Intell? Yes he does. Did he leak the Cia agents name? No he did not. Is the conspiracy theory about 9/11 and Iraq being lies falling apart? Very rapidly! Will John Mcain be elected prez and continue the war on these nations? yes he will. Is the steam leaking like morale out of liberal hearts? Absoloutly!!! Buck out!!!

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!!! War is the answer! By the way Buck, I can point you right to an army recruiting center whenever you are ready.

Seriously, Buck, we supposedly are electing to our government those who are the best of the best. And this is all they can come up with? Never-ending war? There has got to be something better, and I don't think it makes you a terrorist sympathizer or freedom-hater to demand that we look for better solutions.

At 11:33 AM, Anonymous said...


At 1:35 PM, james said...

Poor George Washington must be rolling over in his grave knowing that he shares his name with Joe-joe the idiot sock puppet.

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous said...

To the poster 3 scrolls up. I have the right to support the war on terror even if Im not in the military. We dont live in the wishfull world of being able to pick out the perfect soloution. Time is not on the U.S. side. You are not a terrorist sympathizer nor a freedom hater if you question your government. However question your government or not, terrorist sponsering nuclear weapon producing nations can be nothing but encouraged when they guage America and see that some of our population cant stomach whats going on! That will probably make them eager to start slinging nukes everwhere!! Buck out!!!

At 7:22 PM, Anonymous said...

Well Buck, I just do not agree that I should be more worried about "the terrorists" than I should be about my own government. I don't think the fear that "the terrorists are coming" means that the Bill of Rights and Constitition go out the window. And that seems to be where GW thinks they belong.
I just do not understand how the Republicans can justify impeaching and virtually lynching a president for getting a blowjob not all that long ago, yet feel justified defending the actions that have gone on in the federal administration since 2000.

And perhaps the president has the right to leak intellience (which I do not think you should say with such blanket certainty), but don't you have to wonder WHY he would have done that? Getting people to support this war was nothing more than a PR coup.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous said...

Wow!! You dont agree that you should be more worried about the terrorist than your government? Let me go check in my closet for the wire tapping NSA agent! Do you know how long there have been wire taps? long as there have been wires! Not a single one of my constitutional rights have been violated. So I see nothing being thrown out the window. Irans prez announced today that his country can produce 40 thermonuclear bombs a year. On top of that he and the terrorists he supports all think they have 72 virgins waiting in suicide heaven! Thats one hell of a mix! I glad Bush is prez. I cant imagine Gore, or Kerry, or some orther chump chicken clucking our way through this crises. It is what it is, and that aint nothing but what it is!!!! Buck out..

At 8:19 AM, Anonymous said...

And do you think we are doing anything to solve these problems? Do you really think us going over there and destroying country after country is going to make anything better? Look at the state of Iraq now. We clearly did not know what was going to happen when we took Hussein out and left a vacuum where a government used to be. We aren't improving things, we are making them worse. People hate us more now than ever.
I went traveling in Europe right after 9/11 and people there had sympathy for America and wanted to help us. Now they think we are the problem, not the solution. We messed this all up big time.

At 8:20 AM, Anonymous said...

And do you think we are doing anything to solve these problems? Do you really think us going over there and destroying country after country is going to make anything better? Look at the state of Iraq now. We clearly did not know what was going to happen when we took Hussein out and left a vacuum where a government used to be. We aren't improving things, we are making them worse. People hate us more now than ever.
I went traveling in Europe right after 9/11 and people there had sympathy for America and wanted to help us. Now they think we are the problem, not the solution. We messed this all up big time.

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous said...

I absolutly think that Bush is doing the correct thing to deal with these problems. Iran, nuclear weapons, and missiles they are building to hit the United States are major problems. What better foresight than to deploy National Missile Defense to protect America. That folks is an example of outstanding presidential leadership! Liberals and most national democrats are against missile defense. This in a time where missile testing nations are a many! Thats like going into a Nascar race with Wal-mart bran tires. Thats an example of disgracefull leadership!... Shame on you Bill Clinton! Shame on you Al Gore! For being opposed to National Missile Defense!!!!As far as the un greatfull people of Europe, mainly France. We saved their ass twice in one century. I really dont give a damn what they think of us now! Everones hand is alwayes out to us. Then they want to turn around and bitch. I dont think so!!....Buck out...

At 6:20 PM, H.L. said...

Come on Buck, every test they ever tried on missile defense failed, it can't work, and even if it could the money it would take would bankrupt the nation, what with the money Jr. has already spent on the war, and stolen. One more thing, even if Iran had a nuke which is more then 5 years away, which it has been since the '70's, but even if they had one, what makes you think they would use it. The nukes they would have could not reach the U.S. but the U.S. could level Iran, sounds like a bad deal to me. You know Russia has had nukes for decades, and not some small time nukes, the real deal. How come they never used them on us???? Hmmmm.

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous said...

Eight out of ten defense tests were successfull! Its not perfect. But it does offer protection for our cities. So how many missiles would we knock down if Iran launches some at us? With no missile defense I think the number is the one called zero!...Zilch..Naddda.. Goose egg... donut..dead ass last...Why has Russia not used them on us? They care we can blow them up to. Irans leaders are knock, knock, knocking on heavens door. They want just a few Nukes and dont care if we can destroy them to. 5 years away my ass. Do some research on the She hab 5 ICBM Its further along than you think.. Buck out!!


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