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        Monday, March 20, 2006

       News:More Die in Bush's Bloodbath, Bush Blocks ex-Iran Hostages from Suing, Murtha Says Rumsfeld, Cheney, Should Resign.

More Deaths As Iraq War Enters Fourth Year

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Suspected insurgents marked the third anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq on Monday with roadside bombings that killed at least seven policemen, and authorities reported finding 10 more bullet-riddled bodies dumped in the capital, one of them a 13-year-old girl.
The violence took up where it left off Sunday when at least 35 people died.

Bush's Rhetoric Targets Unnamed Critics

When the president starts a sentence with "some say" or offers up what "some in Washington" believe, as he is doing more often these days, a rhetorical retort almost assuredly follows.
The device usually is code for Democrats or other White House opponents. In describing what they advocate, Bush often omits an important nuance or substitutes an extreme stance that bears little resemblance to their actual position.
He typically then says he "strongly disagrees" — conveniently knocking down a straw man of his own making.
Bush routinely is criticized for dressing up events with a too-rosy glow. But experts in political speech say the straw man device, in which the president makes himself appear entirely reasonable by contrast to supposed "critics," is just as problematic.
Because the "some" often go unnamed

Washington Post
Administration Blocks Ex-Hostages' Bid for Damages From Iran

At an emotional meeting this month at the State Department, steps from the office of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a group of former American hostages released by Iran a quarter of a century ago, accompanied by lawyers and some relatives, confronted two of Rice's most senior aides.
The families' grievance: Why has the Bush administration, which has labeled Iran one of the world's most dangerous regimes and has called the hostages American heroes, fought their efforts to win damages for their ordeal from the Islamic republic?

ABC News

Candidate Catherine Harris Runs & Hides From Reporters.

PALMETTO - At a time in her campaign when most Senate candidates would do anything for TV coverage, Rep. Katherine Harris ducked out a back door after speaking to students at Palmetto High School on Friday.
Harris basically snubbed Florida reporters this week, calling and then cancelling two news conferences about her campaign. Then she went on a national talk show to announce plans to spend a $10-million inheritance on the campaign.

Guardian U.K.
Sky falls in on Bush the outcast

When president George W Bush launched a high-profile series of speeches last week aimed at calming nerves about the Iraq war he chose to do so in the heart of Washington DC. At George Washington University, he asked America to stay the course through troubled times. It was a familiar message to an audience that had heard it all before.


Welcome to Liberated Iraq

Editor's Note: The following are the remarks of Dr. Entissar Mohammad Ariabi, a pharmacist from Yarmook Hospital who is part of an Iraqi women's delegation touring the U.S., organized by CODEPINK and Global Exchange. She spoke on March 18 in West Palm Beach, Florida.
I came on this speaking trip to the U.S. because when I was home in Baghdad, I watched on TV what President Bush was telling the American people about democracy, freedom, security, and the help that the U.S. is giving the Iraqi people, and I couldn't believe the lies. So I decided to take the risk to come to the U.S. and share with you what's really going on. I do not represent any political organization or ethnic group. I come only as a mother of five, a pharmacist and a human being.

W.House pushes more schools to drug-test students

White House officials say drug testing is an effective way to keep students away from harmful substances like marijuana...But some parents, educators and school officials call it a heavy-handed, ineffective way to discourage drug use that undermines trust and invades students' privacy.

Raw Story
Rep. Murtha says Rumsfeld, Cheney should resign

On Sunday's edition of Meet the Press with Tim Russert, Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) said that Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld should resign for misdecisions in the war in Iraq, RAW STORY has found.

Brad Blog
New Velvet Revolution Ad in Sunday's Washington Post!
Demands Congress Hold Bush/Cheney Accountable,

Bush and Cheney, through their incompetence and dishonesty have lost the right to be trusted for any foreign policy decisions, much less the decision to start yet another unnecessary, unprovoked war in yet another country. It's time for Congress to draw a line in the sand against the Bush/Cheney administration and for the people to stand up and make sure they hear us!

Robert Fisk: Who Benefits from a Civil War in Iraq

Someone wants a civil war. Some form of militias and death squads want a civil war. There never has been a civil war in Iraq. The real question I ask myself is: who are these people who are trying to provoke the civil war?


At 9:42 PM, Anonymous said...

Liberal(liburul); poor people who are jealous of rich people; rich people who austicise orther rich people; poor people who resent orther poor people for not being jealous of rich people; one who cowers from enemies; surrender document signer;..scientific name;( regulatus taxatus dictatus )

At 7:42 AM, H.L. said...

I'll let this comment stand for itself. You can decide which this poster is The rich educated conservative, or the poor uneducated rural conservative who votes against his own interest because he is too stupid to know the difference. Hey anonymous poster I think the word you were looking for was Ostracize obvioulsy you got your rap from Rush Limbaugh or someone like that. At least Rush knows what the words he is saying mean.

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous said...

HL, don't even bother with this guy. He is clearly a lost cause. I don't know what it would take to change the minds of people like this. How much worse could things possibly get to open their eyes?

At least now we know those we are up against aren't exactly intellectuals...

At 7:18 PM, Anonymous said...

Nope Hl. I make up all of my own stuff. Thank you for proving my point about liberals. Big brother tell me whats best for me socialist. I dont vote on the basis of economics. I knew that crap was coming. You decide liberal whats in your intrests, and I will decide whats best for me. My all important vote will be cast on the basis of national security. I might not want some puss in charge of the nukes if I think he wont use them!!! Or he might even loose his nuclear button card, like liberal stupid Bill Clinton did!! I would be more worried about North Koreas missiles if I were you!!!Be Glad Bush deployed national missile defense because hollywood liberal land is alot closer to North korea than Texas is!!! Hl. there may be a word or two that I will get wrong but Im still smarter than you. More to come stay tuned!!!

At 8:25 PM, H.L. said...

You make this up yourself?? Wow thats really hard to believe.

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous said...

Well, hell!!! Im not suprised!!! Never ever have I laid it on the line clearly for a liberal and them be able to understand anything!! I think they got specail classes for that man!!!!!You might even be able to blog on!!!!ha ha ha ha ha !!!!


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