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        Thursday, March 23, 2006

       Charlie Sheen airs 9/11 conspiracy theory

Digital Spy.
Charlie Sheen has said that he doubts the official version of events given about the attack on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001.
Sheen says that he believes that the government has covered up the truth and is calling for further investigations to be held to 'discover the truth'.
Talking on US radio show The Alex Jones Show, Sheen said: "It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box-cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 per cent of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions.
"A couple of years ago, it was severely unpopular to talk about any of this. It feels like from the people I talk to, and the research I've done and around my circles, it feels like the worm is turning."
Sheen had his doubts concerning the plane that smashed into the side of the Pentagon in Washington DC. He added: "Just show us how this particular plane pulled off these manoeuvres...
"It is up to us to reveal the truth. It is up to us because we owe it to the families, we owe it to the victims, we owe it to everyone's life who was drastically altered, horrifically, that day and forever. We owe it to them to uncover what happened."

See Pics of Charlie's Dad Martin speaking at the Hollywood Anti_war rally in Hollywood last Saturday


At 2:58 PM, juliep123 said...

Hmm, interesting. I'm really into conspiracy theories, even if they end up being total BS. I do agree that the American government did try to cover up facts about the terrorist attacks on 9/11. I heard from one source a long time ago that the evidence linking al-Qaeda to the attacks was never seen by most people in the government and some say the attacks were more likely committed by Egyptian Jihad or some other group like that.
This is a little off topic, but has the Hollywood Liberal read "Help! Mom! Hollywood is in my Hamper" by the ever-obnoxious soccer mom Katharine Debrecht? It's a children's book that features caracatures of left-wing Hollywood stars trying to make liberal political publicity stunts and showing their strong support for the Clintons (or Clunktons, as they're referred to in the book). I'd just like to know your thoughts on that.

At 6:22 AM, Ministry of Truth said...

Al Qaeda is simply a Cia's database, there is no need to speak about inexistent egyptian jihadists.
Or give us some evidence...
911 was an insiede job read Griffin's articles on

At 6:47 AM, Anonymous said...


At 6:47 AM, Anonymous said...

At 1:12 AM, Anonymous said...

Operation Northwoods:

In 1962 the Joint Chiefs of Staff were going to paint a plane like a commercial airliner and swap it with a real one. Then they were gonna shoot it down and blame Castro for it. Then go to war against Cuba using this fake terrorism. This document shows a number of similar actions and they were willing to kill civilians to make these plans happen.

I think maybe they finally got around to using this tactic on Sept 11, 2001.

All you have to do is read history:

At 11:40 PM, Anonymous said...

Hey there ya STUPID LIBS how's the cool-iad tastin today? How's that impeachment going??
You libs are real LOSERS! BYE.

At 9:58 AM, H.L. said...

To the poster above this one. Thats KOOL AID. Idiot. What, did you hear someone say that about you, so you thought you would be clever and turn it around on us?? Might have been a little more effective if you at least knew what the hell you were talking about. Typical idiot republican, get a life, join the Army, go to Iraq. Later

At 7:19 PM, Anonymous said...

Osama Bin Laden loves liberals! He wishes we were all pussy liberals in America! Then it would be easier to destroy the United States! From schoolyards to battlefields weakness draws agression! Nobody got their ass kicked in school more than the pussy whos daddy told him not to fight back! They are the ones who ended up with the busted lips, black eyes, and cracked balls! It workes the same way nation vrs. nation! The enemies of America see that some of our population pusses out after a few thousand dead! This encourages Irans supreme leader Khomeni, and North Koreas' Kim Jong IL! Liberals think we are the land of the socialist and the home of the puss! Have they forgot its the land of FREE and the home of the BRAVE!!! So to the person who made the comments above this one. RUN FORREST RUN!!!! RUN FORREST!!! RUN FORREST RUN!!!

At 7:35 AM, H.L. said...

To the poster above, yet another chickenhawk tough guy who has to publish anonymously. If you are so damn tough why don't you reveal who you are to the world tough guy? You afraid people might find out who you are and expose you for the weak hypocrite you are? Yes of course you are.

At 10:45 AM, Anonymous said...

Oh yes, us Americans are so tough bombing unarmed civilians from the sky.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous said...

Hey yall!! To the cat who asked the libs about the cool aid taste. They will only impeach Bush in their sticky wet dreams! Not to worry fellow republican! Not to worry! To the puss that wants to let the terrorists get an exemption from air attack. Wait until we start blowing the hell out of Iran! I would like to see your face then!! To the puss who goes by h.i.. I dont see your e mail all over the screen chump!! Give me yours. Ill give you mine. We can go from there. You can call me Buck from Texas chumpster. If their is any conspiracy about any thing. Its one of liberals trying to cloak how eatin' up they are with serious hybrid cases of long term puss!! More to come!! Stay tuned!!

At 12:46 AM, H.L. said...

Hey Buck, thats HL not Hi, I run the site, so you don't need my email, I'm right here. If you got something intelligent to say I'll post it otherwise its deleted.

At 5:42 PM, Anonymous said...

Alot of the liberals would like to delete Texas every four years but the great state keeps causing them problems! As it has!!! As it does!!!and as it will!!! Im sure liberals would love to go "click" on that night in november and Texas be gone forever. Even liberals, as slow as they are in the thinker know thats not gonna happen. Im gonna treat it like a pile on when a good football tackle had been made already! The democratic canditate will have already lost TEXAS by a million miles. Then my whole family are gonna hop in the rides and head down to vote!! TO PILE IT ON!!!HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!


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