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        Tuesday, February 28, 2006

       Todays News Stories

Multiple Bombings in Baghdad Kill 56

Excerpt: Iraqis have suffered through days of reprisal killings and attacks on Sunni mosques since bombers blew apart the gold dome of the revered Shiite Askariya shrine in Samarra on Wednesday. The Iraqi Cabinet said at least 379 people had been killed and 458 wounded in reprisal attacks.

Sen. Byrd Regrets Voting for Patriot Act

H.L.s Take: Byrd and Feingold are the only ones to come out against the New Patriot Act so far, they may get one or two others but 90% of Democrats will vote for Patriot Act 2, and thats the end of the Bill of Rights.

Consortium News
The U.S. Disconnect on Bush Abuses

Excerpt: The U.S. news media is experiencing a cognitive meltdown as it tries to hold onto the traditional view of the United States as a beacon for human rights while facing the new reality in which George W. Bush has plunged the nation into the dark arts of torture, assassination and “disappearances” more common in “death-squad” states.

Z Mag

Excerpt: To ask what it means to be a "good American" is not to compare Bush to Hitler, or Republicans to Nazis. The question does not arise only when leaders engage in mass murder on the scale of a Hitler or Stalin, which Bush has not. It requires only that they engage in actions that are clearly evil, which Bush has.
Congress Bill Takes Rights To Know What's In Your Food

Action Alert from the Organic Consumers Association:
Congress Poised to Pass Bill Taking Away Right to Know What's in Your Food
Tell your Congressman or Congresswoman to vote "No" on House of Representatives Bill H.R. 4167, the "National Uniformity for Food Act"


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