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        Tuesday, February 07, 2006

       Rove: I Will Blacklist Any Senator Who Goes Against Bush

by H.L.
Word has been filtering out that Karl Rove is threatening to Blacklist any Republican Senator who votes against Bush’s unauthorized, illegal, wiretapping in the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Investigation. In a slap in the face to all members of Congress, which is supposed to have one third of the Power in the federal government, Rove who may some day in the distant future be indicted for his role in the Valerie Plame leakgate scandal (that is if Patrick Fitzgerald ever gets off his butt, and completes his work, and if he is not a Republican plant to keep the heat off the big guys by simply going after a patsy) is threatening the very people who could bring about Bush’s impeachment for any and all of everything he done since taking office.
One senior Republican Congressional aide was quoted as saying, “It’s hardball all the way.” Indeed, will this be the wakeup call for GOP Senators, who by now must have figured out that Bush, and Rove, are trying to make that branch of the government obsolete? This smacks of desperation of the highest level inside the Bush administration. Congressional Sources, according to Insight On The News, are saying that Rove is worried that if even a small group of Republican Senators go against Bush on this, the end result will be the determination that Bush violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 which could lead to Bush’s impeachment.
While it is nearly impossible to believe that Bush would be impeached by the same Senators who voted against him, this is sure to anger some of the Republicans who unlike Democrats stand up for what they believe in, even if they know it is wrong.
Rove is also attempting to bribe Senators who do go along with Bush with extra money for their re-election campaigns and free publicity, such as photo ops with The President. Sounds to me like that is even more of a reason to go against The Bush Cabal.
Apparently at this point only a few Senators have questioned Rove’s hardcore tactics. "Well, I didn't like what Mr. Rove said, because it frames terrorism and the issue of terrorism and everything that goes with it, whether it's the renewal of the Patriot Act or the NSA wiretapping, in a political context," said Sen. Chuck Hagel, Republican Senator from Nebraska.
The time has come for all members of Congress, Republicans, and Democrats to decide if they want to go down in history as the reason that America ceased to become a Democracy, and allowed King George ll, to end the republic that Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and all the founding father fought so hard to give us.


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