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        Wednesday, February 22, 2006

       A NYC Cop Writes In.

(This is in response to my posting the latest Abu Gharib Photos)

From Tom V.
Yes I have an optnion. I think by posting photos of "old" news including a soldier who has already been punsihed for the crimes he committed is just tasteless. You think it's funny, but you're putting the rest of our troops at risk. Then keep making fun of President Bush, at least he isn't sticking cigars into women. When the next 9/11 (or worse) hits L.A. I won't be coming out to help dig you people out. You're a jack-ass and unfortunately it's people like you that need the wake up call. If they manage to detonate a nuke here you can't even begin to imagine how horrible it would be.
Spare me any responses. I don't care. I've been a cop for over 20 years, was at ground zero, and lost alot of friends there and in this war. Nothing you could say would interest me.
Tom V. NY

Check out my response (Its a good one) Here


At 9:30 AM, Anonymous said...

I would ask Tom the same question that was asked of Justice you sodomize your wife? The comment about the cigar in his email was a joke!

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous said...

nice response. I've been waiting on the rest of those Abu Ghraib photos for a long time, but that's just because i'm a lib-blog junkie. I think that's a lot of ppl who read reach out on the "internets", this was a cop who wandered too far on the internet, or further than he usually does (i.e., and this is a typical first reaction of ppl who have been convinced they are conservative badasses. I think you thrashed him properly. -evolvedAnarcho

At 10:49 AM, Anonymous said...

If there IS another "hit", I'll assume Bush really can't protect us, Mr. NYC Cop!! (Kind of like on 9/11, no?)

At 11:11 AM, Anonymous said...

I would just like to say that that Tom guy is an absolute freaking moron. If a nuke goes off here it will be because of George Bush. He is making terrorism WORSE if anything. Yeah Clintons cigar scandal is much worse than all the soldiers that are dying. I can even believe a cop thinks like this. This goes to show why he is a cop, because he is too freaking stupid to do anything else except slap handcuffs on people. Here is to wishing this guy was in the tower when it came down. What a freaking idiot.

At 12:46 PM, Anonymous said...

Tom apparently has forgotten that the biggest attack on US soil came while BUSH was president. Didn't happen when Clinton was in office...

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous said...

Great response to Tom!! I do agree with you about the "possibility" of bushies ties to 9/11. I have been thinking about that lately and it makes perfect sense to me in light of all the havoc that has been wreaked on this country by this Administration. What can we DO about it?????

At 7:18 PM, EderLore said...

I very much doubt that "Tom" is a cop, was at Ground Zero or lost anyone in this war. He sounds like just another cut and paste parrot of the Rove Spin machine. Go check out Yahoo Message boards and you'll see the same, tired old BS posted there. We call them TROLLS. If anyone needs a wake-up call it's "Tom".

At 5:41 PM, A. Vet said...

Good God what a troglodyte. Has no idea how stupid he sounds comparing a cigar moisturizing to loss of civil liberties and death of American fighting men. I am a disabled Vet and would just like to say thanks for the "support?" Tom, up yours.

At 3:00 PM, Yankee Blue Veteran said...

Want to know what you get when you cross a cowardly cop with a caveman? Here it is:


A caveman from the other side of the world penetrated the greatest strategic military and intelligence defenses the world has ever known and slaughtered more than 3,000 people on our own soil with only 20 recruits!
Let me repeat that again, a little more slowly this time: A caveman. . .from the other side of the world. . .penetrated. . .the greatest strategic military and intelligence defenses the world has ever known. . .and slaughtered more than 3,000 people. . .on our own soil. . .with only 20 recruits!
If that’s true, then we’re all in big trouble, people, and in order to survive, we must get rid of present failed leadership, eliminate the lies and liars—the traitors—among us and help our patriots kill the caveman, and elect wise and brave and truthful patriots to lead us.
If that’s not true, then we’re all in BIG trouble, people, and in order to survive, we must get rid of present failed leadership, expose and kill the leadership that killed our 3,000 people and eliminate the lies and liars—the traitors—among us, and elect wise and brave and truthful patriots to lead us.
If a caveman from the other side of the world penetrated the greatest strategic military and intelligence defenses the world has ever known and slaughtered more than 3,000 people on our own soil with only 20 recruits, imagine what a modern foreign military force of 2 million recruits would do: With present failed leadership, a modern foreign military force of 2 million recruits would wipe out our entire American population of 300 million!
A once revered and honored war leader assured us long ago, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself,” so present failed leadership prioritized, categorized and colorized all our fears for us – but how do we know who and what to fear the most first? Should it be:
A caveman from the other side of the world who penetrated the greatest strategic military and intelligence defenses the world has ever known and slaughtered more than 3,000 people on our own soil with only 20 recruits?—OR the modern foreign military force of 2 million recruits that would wipe out our entire American population of 300 million?—OR present failed leadership that says a caveman from the other side of the world penetrated the greatest strategic military and intelligence defenses the world has ever known and slaughtered more than 3,000 people on our own soil with only 20 recruits.

Okay, Tom, now here's another scary bedtime story about . . .


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