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        Wednesday, February 15, 2006

       New Abu Gharib Prisoner Abuse Photos

New Abu Gharib torture photos have been released. These are the pictures that were not originally shown on U.S. Television because they were being withheld, because they are far more graphic then the pictures that were originally shown here. These new photos were shown on SBS Television in Australia, but will not be shown by the media here in America, because the U.S. Mainstream media are all a bunch of Bush licking toadies who will never go against the Godly dear leader, no matter how bad things get in this country. The Corporate Broadcast media such as CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and FOX, all enjoy the Millions of extra dollars a year they make in Bush tax cuts, too much to do something so trivial as their jobs, which is reporting the truth to The American People. Here at The H.L. we report the truth, and here is some truth for you if you can handle it. I put these pictures on a separate page in case you can't.

New Abu Gharib Photos

Now the only Abu Gharib guard pictured in these photos is the infamous Charles Grainer who is currently serving a 10 year sentence for the atrocities he committed, and rightly so. The U.S. claimed that Abu Gharib was a isolated incident with Grainer as the ringleader which I partially believe due to my interview with Nick Yarris, who was a Death Row inmate for 26 years before he was exonerated by DNA evidence. Yarris was imprisoned in Pennsylvania, and one of his prison guards was none other then Charles Grainer. Yarris told me in the interview that Grainer was just as sick, and disgusting in Pennsylvania as he was in Iraq. Grainer apparently could not go far enough on prisoners in Pa. so he volunteered to Iraq where he could carry out his sadistic deeds, he thought, without oversight. Of course his superiors (all the way up to Rumsfeld and Bush) should have known what was going on, and should be punished for allowing this to happen. The only punishment to superiors that has been meted out has been to female officers in the chain of command. How typical of the Bush administration. You know that women officers would never allow this to happen but they are the ones who get punished.

Here is my audio interview with Nick Yarris.
H.L. Interviews Nick Yarris


At 9:10 AM, Anonymous said...

I will be emailing a link to these photos to everyone I know who supports the administration's war policies. (Why there are any people left in that group is something I do not understand!)

At 12:10 PM, Anonymous said...

If it was just this one nutcase responsible for all the horrible acts, why did Gonzales prepare a legal foundation for the acceptability of torture on terrorists? This started at the top of the busholini administration (Cheny) and is just a part of their radical elitist agenda intent on subjugating the masses in the New World Order through physical and psychologigal terror.

At 9:58 AM, Anonymous said...

Who gives a rats ass these prisoner have killed women, children and americans and you call this torture bull crap would you love to see your loved one with their head on the ground...

At 11:45 AM, Anonymous said...

This is just the Bush administration trying to keep the war going. He has not made enough money in kickback from his buddies at haliburtin. Bush should be tried for treason.

At 1:03 PM, Anonymous said...

Wasn't one of the justifications for the war (at least once it was painfully clear there were no WMD) that Saddam was torturing people and violating human rights? So by that logic, I guess someone should come in and take out Bush using the same justification. Really, this whole "well they did it first mentality" like that expressed in the message froom 12:10 is unpersuasive.

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous said...

Great coverage.
It takes a dorm room website filled with America hating pansies from LA to post GREAT STUFF like this.

Can you post some pics of MORE DEAD GI's?


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