I was sitting here at my desk on August 28 2005, at 3:45 PM Pacific when I saw the weather chart, and realized this wasn’t going to be a regular type Hurricane. I posted a warning to any H.L.ers in New Orleans that may not have known.
08/28/05 If You Live In New Orleans….
Get The F**k Out Of There
President Bush and his trusted advisor closely monitored the situation (so he knew how bad it was) At a crucial juncture when Bush’s point man began to realize that Bush had no desire to do anything at all, Bush had this to say to the frustrated and confused assistant.
8/29/05 Big Easy Memories
The Next day the pictures of the devastation began to come in

Meanwhile Bush decided to pull a Nero, and pulled out his gee-tar

On August 31, Bush decided that maybe it was time to end his vacation a couple of days early and like maybe try to like do something, or something.
08/31/05 He’s Baaack
But before he got back he decided to buzz New Orleans in Air Force 1, for a close up look and some hands on help for the masses
9/1/05 Presidential Response
On Sept. 2, we got these before and after aerial photos in.
This is from Global Security.org
Comparative imagery of a Highway interchange in New Orleans, pre- and post-Katrina
Then finally, 5 days after the strom hit. When Bush had let thousands of people die, it was time for something to be done. He got his daddy, and Bill Clinton to bail him out.
09/02/05 The Sunshine Boys, Together Again.