Pay ‘Em What They’re Worth
Posted in Latest Comics, Main Blog (All Posts) on January 31st, 2007 2:36 pm by HL
News Items:
Bush Speaks on Wall St.: Link exec salaries to performance
News Items:
Bush Speaks on Wall St.: Link exec salaries to performance
The Independent U.K.
There are growing suspicions in Iraq that the official story of the battle outside Najaf between a messianic Iraqi cult and the Iraqi security forces supported by the US, in which 263 people were killed and 210 wounded, is a fabrication. The heavy casualties may be evidence of an unpremeditated massacre.
A picture is beginning to emerge of a clash between an Iraqi Shia tribe on a pilgrimage to Najaf and an Iraqi army checkpoint that led the US to intervene with devastating effect. The involvement of Ahmed al-Hassani (also known as Abu Kamar), who believed himself to be the coming Mahdi, or Messiah, appears to have been accidental…
The cult denied it was involved in the fighting, saying it was a peaceful movement. The incident reportedly began when a procession of 200 pilgrims was on its way, on foot, to celebrate Ashura in Najaf. They came from the Hawatim tribe, which lives between Najaf and Diwaniyah to the south, and arrived in the Zarga area, one mile from Najaf at about 6am on Sunday. Heading the procession was the chief of the tribe, Hajj Sa’ad Sa’ad Nayif al-Hatemi, and his wife driving in their 1982 Super Toyota sedan because they could not walk. When they reached an Iraqi army checkpoint it opened fire, killing Mr Hatemi, his wife and his driver, Jabar Ridha al-Hatemi. The tribe, fully armed because they were travelling at night, then assaulted the checkpoint to avenge their fallen chief.
Members of another tribe called Khaza’il living in Zarga tried to stop the fighting but they themselves came under fire. Meanwhile, the soldiers and police at the checkpoint called up their commanders saying they were under attack from al-Qai’da with advanced weapons. Reinforcements poured into the area and surrounded the Hawatim tribe in the nearby orchards. The tribesmen tried – in vain – to get their attackers to cease fire.
American helicopters then arrived and dropped leaflets saying: “To the terrorists, surrender before we bomb the area.” The tribesmen went on firing and a US helicopter was hit and crashed killing two crewmen. The tribesmen say they do not know if they hit it or if it was brought down by friendly fire. The US aircraft launched an intense aerial bombardment in which 120 tribesmen and local residents were killed by 4am on Monday.
Truth is perhaps the main victim of Iraqi atrocities which exacerbated following the U.S.-led invasion itself based on lies and allegations.
And as the dust settles over the battle of Najaf last Sunday, it emerges that the official story had no grain of truth.
Iraqi officials said 263 members of a little known group they identified as the Soldiers of Heaven were killed. They and U.S. officials who sent in helicopter gun ships and tanks to back Iraqi forces were pleased of their ‘victory’.
But who were those Soldiers from Heaven? And how could both Iraqi and U.S. officials persuade U.S. troops to market a story wholly based on lies?
The ‘victory’ was short-lived and its impact has already backfired and it could not have come at a worse time for the United States as it is on the verge of launching a new military offensive to retake Baghdad.
Now it appears that Iraqi troops had attacked a huge procession by Shiite tribesmen on their way to take part in the Ashura ceremonies.
H.L.s Take
Of course the press pumped this up as another great victory in the war on Terror, when it looked like it was just another few hundred deaths chalked up to the murder monkey.
Guardian U.K.
Their zealous advocacy of the invasion of Iraq may have been a disaster, but now they want to do it all over again – in Iran
The United States today spends approximately as much as the rest of the world combined on its military establishment. So it is worth pondering why it is that, after nearly four years of effort, the loss of thousands of American lives, and an outlay of perhaps half-a-trillion dollars, the US has not succeeded in pacifying a small country of some 24 million people, much less in leading it to anything that looks remotely like a successful democracy…
A final lesson that should have been drawn from the Iraq war is that the current US government has demonstrated great incompetence in its day-to-day management of policy. One of the striking things about the performance of the Bush administration is how poorly it has followed through in accomplishing the ambitious objectives it set for itself. In Iraq, the administration has acted like a patient with attention-deficit disorder.
H.L.s Take
Another good question is: Why is it taking longer to win in Iraq then it did to defeat Hitler, and Japan in WW2, of course we already know the answer.
Daily Kos
It seems that being the prime architect and cheerleader of the Iraq War escalation, in addition to all his latest panderings to the Right, aren’t doing his approval ratings any favors.
McCain is now viewed favorably by just 52% of American voters. That’s down from 56% earlier this month and from 59% in December. His vocal advocacy of increased troop strength in Iraq may be having a negative impact on his popularity. Just one-third of voters (34%) share McCain’s view while 56% want to go in the opposite direction and reduce the number of troops in Iraq. However, 94% think the troops will still be fighting in Iraq when the next President takes office.
Rasmussen Reports
Senator John McCain (R), one of the most vocal advocates of sending more troops to Iraq, has lost ground in the Election 2008 sweepstakes. He now trails both John Edwards (D) and Barack Obama (D) in general election match-ups. Prior to this survey, McCain had been ahead of every Democratic challenger in every Rasmussen Reports poll (see summary of general election match-ups).
H.L.s Take:
Of course the real question is how will Mc Cain do against Hilary, because everyone knows that she will be the nominee. (I personally am not 100% certain of that but it sure looks like a good possibility.) That is if Mc Cain will even get the Republican nomination which I don’t think he will, by the time of the primaries the Reps. are going to want to distance themselves as far from Iraq as possible, and Mc Cain is Bush’s man in congress for the troop increase. Maybe a better idea for the reps: The Guiliani/Kerik ticket.
Whats happening, haven’t had a chance to post anything today because its been a pretty busy day here at work. Usually its quiet in the morning and I have a few hours to post some stuff, but not today, I got a couple of jobs running now (dubbing television shows) and have a minute to get it together. I have been in contact with Merkahlo Medina from NBC’s News Raw, I did an interview with them a while back which they aired a few times on the channel. Now they want me to do a regular spot for them every Monday.
Under normal circumstances I would have been able to go into the NBC studios in Burbank and tape the segment, but I got this job thing now that I have to do, so they are going to have me tape a segment on a webcam and upload it to You Tube, which they will pull down and run. througout the day. The tape will be me discussing what we have been blogging about in the past week, what we are going to be talking about that day, and any commentary I can fit into a 5-10 minute clip. The only problem I can think of is that I will have to make the tape on Sunday which means I will be talking about old news that will be airing on monday. I may ask them if I can switch to a different day to make it more topical, but if not I will have to find a way to make it work. Maybe instead of discussing news stories I will just deliver my own take on whats happening.
Anyway, since I will be uploading the segments to You Tube I will also be able to post them here on the site which will be fun.
I may even have to revive the long dormant HLTV which I haven’t checked out in a long while.
So look for new segments of HL Raw on NBC news raw starting next monday. I’ll try to post some more stuff this afternoon. See you soon.
In a rare print interview, Dick Cheney talks about Iraq, Iran, Chuck Hagel, his image as ‘Darth Vader’ and Bob Woodward.
H.L.s Take
Wow, that sounds like the petulant response of a 5 year old. Then again Cheney, and Bush are acting like stubborn 5 year olds with the lives of our soldiers, and the nation itself. (Imitating Cheney in a high winy voice: Well i’m the vice president and your not so I can do whatever I want) What a snot nosed little punk.
Here is a new Commercial by, Veterans of Iraq, and Afghanistan bring the true message home. This video clip is aimed at those Senators that are still for the war. It shows that even the troops that we “support” know that this war is a worthless quagmire for everyone except the Bush/Cheney cabal. Great spot, have a look.
Op-Ed News
“There are a lot of progressives on our site who were angry, the day after the November election,” I tell him. (You know who you are .)
He smiles and says, “The day after… that soon? The new congress wasn’t even sworn in until January.”
“Yep, the day after,” I reply, adding, “They’ve been angry that impeachment is off the table.”
He pauses, purses his lips, then nods his head, agreeing, saying, “They have lots of good reasons to be angry. But, you know, the presidential race is coming, in 2008.. and it’s already 2007. If you know a way to take care of all the domestic issues, to successfully prepare to take the whitehouse, to investigate and prosecute and impeach– tell me…”
H.L.s Take
Conyers was one of the only, if not the only member of congress to show up for the war protests. If all these members of congress are now so against the war why don’t they take it to the streets. Is it because they are only against the war because they know their constituents are, and they want to protect thier jobs? I don’t really care as long as they keep opposing Bush, snd the war.
Good morning, I attended the anti-war march in L.A on Saturday. I took some pictures but have not had a chance to get them up. Here are some pictures from the much larger protest in Washington D.C. (Thanks to a great website What Really