Sunday Talking Heads: October 31, 2010
Here’s Misery Bear in “Dawn of the Ted” — dedicated to our Eli. Happy Hallowe’en! The political tricks of the day are listed below, with special treats emptywheel appearing on Virtually Speaking and Phoenix Woman hosting Book Salon.
Here’s Misery Bear in “Dawn of the Ted” — dedicated to our Eli. Happy Hallowe’en!
The political tricks of the day are listed below, with special treats emptywheel appearing on Virtually Speaking and Phoenix Woman hosting FDL Book Salon.
Washington Journal: 7:45am – Mona Charen, Syndicated Columnist & Connie Schultz, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Columnist. 8:35am – Susan Ferrechio, Washington Examiner, Chief Congressional Correspondent. 9:25am – Rick Pearson, Chicago Tribune. 9:30am – Curtis Hubbard, Denver Post. 9:40am – Laura Myers, Las Vegas Review-Journal.
ABC’s This Week: The midterms. Republican campaign chair Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) v Democratic campaign chair Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ). Can Republicans take the Senate? Will the Democrats’ firewall hold? And with a massive influx of secret money impacting races, exactly who is paying for these campaigns? Then, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert bring their “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” to Washington, and Christiane Amanpour is there. Roundtable: Dick Armey, George Will, Cokie Roberts, Donna Brazile, Jonathan Karl. CBS’ Face The Nation: Rep. Pete King (R-NY), Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA).
Chris Matthews: Norah O’Donnell, John Heilmann, Howard Fineman, Helene Cooper. Topics: How Many Senate Seats Will Republicans Pick Up Tuesday? Will Barack Obama Do The “Clintonian Backflip” That Republican Leaders In Congress Are Demanding?
CNN’s State of the Union: Live from CNN’s Election center in New York. Republicans seem set to make great gains, but will it be enough to shift the balance of power in Congress? Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele. Then, Majority Whip Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) on the Democratic strategy headed into Tuesday’s election. Finally, what are the most important issues as voters head to the polls? Bob Kerrey and Bill Bennett.
Fareed Zakaria – GPS: The American Dream: the idea that anybody can get ahead, can succeed, can enrich themselves with hard work and smarts. Is that idea dead? Eric Schmidt, Chair and CEO Google; Muhtar Kent, Chair and CEO of Coca-Cola; Klaus Kleinfeld, CEO of Alcoa; Lou Gerstner, who ran three American giants, RJ Reynolds, American Express & IBM. Sunday at 10a ET/PT.
Fox News Sunday: 2010 Midterm elections. Sarah Palin. Then, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) / Chair, DCCC. Roundtable: Brit Hume, Mara Liasson, Bill Kristol, Juan Williams.
NBC’s Meet The Press: The final arguments for what’s at stake in this midterm election. Democratic National Committee Chair Tim Kaine (VA) and Republican Governors Association Chair Gov. Haley Barbour (MS). Roundtable: NBC News’ Tom Brokaw, Mark Halperin, Michele Norris, Charlie Cook, Chuck Todd.
Newsmakers: unknown.
Q & A: Historians Richard Norton Smith and Douglas Brinkley. They will discuss the upcoming midterm elections, the Obama presidency, and politics in America. They will also look at how this election compares with others in history.
Religion & Ethics: Democrats and Faith Voters. Minnesota Bishops on Gay Marriage. Three Faiths Exhibition. The Ethics of Sanctions.
60 Minutes: Anger In The Land – Scott Pelley reports from Newton, Iowa, where the closing of an appliance factory is causing a negative effect on the community’s economy. Tax The Rich – David Stockman, Ronald Reagan’s budget director who once preached tax cuts, is now in favor of putting a one-time surtax on the rich. Lesley Stahl reports and finds just such a proposal on the ballot in the state of Washington. Zenyatta – If Zenyatta wins the Breeder’s Cup Classic next week to cap an undefeated career of 20 straight victories, some say the 6-yr.-old mare might just be the greatest thoroughbred race horse in history.
To The Contrary: Topics: 1- Women candidates speak out against sexism; 2- Does Justice Thomas owe Anita Hill an apology; 3- Are women to blame for their lack of power? Panelists: The Huffington Post’s Amanda Terkel; Independent Women’s Forum’s Sabrina Schaeffer; National Council of Negro Women Executive Director Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever;and former Republican Congressional Candidate Angela McGlowan. Online exclusive: Too Fat For TV? Did a blogger go too far with her criticism of overweight people?
Univison’s Al Punto: Sen. Harry Reid, U.S. Senate Majority Leader (D-NV); Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL); Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL); Bill White, Democratic Candidate for Governor of Texas; Maria Cardona, Democratic Analyst; Adolfo Franco, Republican Analyst; and Arnoldo Torres, Expert on Hispanic Issues.
Virtually Speaking: Avedon Carol and Marcy Wheeler. On the eve of the election, Marcy and Avedon will talk about what they expect, and what we can do about it.
FDL’s Book Salon: This Is Not Florida: How Al Franken Won the Minnesota Senate Recount. “Based on daily reporting as well as interviews with more than forty campaign staffers and other participants in the recount, This Is Not Florida dives into the motivations of key players in the drama, including the exploits of Franken’s lead attorney Marc Elias, some of the mistakes made by Coleman advisers, and how the Franken team’s devotion to data collection helped Franken win the recount by a mere 312 votes.” Chat with Jay Weiner about his new book. Hosted by Phoenix Woman.
FDL’s Movie Night Monday: Old Radicals. “A story of a radical grandfather who risked his life working for peace, and the deeply personal consequences of his courage.” Come chat with Producer Phil Storer and Lisa Derrick.
Late Late Night FDL: Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat starring Donald Duck, Witch Hazel, and Huey, Dewey, and Louie. This Walt Disney cartoon was released on October 10, 1952.
Trick or Treat starring Donald Duck, Witch Hazel, and Huey, Dewey, and Louie. This Walt Disney cartoon was released on October 10, 1952.
Directed by Jack Hannah. Produced by Walt Disney. Story by Ralph Wright. Visual Effects Animation by Dan MacManus. Backgrounds and Layouts by Yale Gracey. Animation by Volus Jones, Bill Justice, George Kreisl, and Don Lusk. Voices by June Foray (Hazel), Clarence Nash (Donald Duck) and Thurl Ravenscroft and The Mellomen (singing). Original Music by Paul J. Smith.
Grab your popcorn, put your feet up on the seatback in front of ya, and aim your spitballs at the ushers please. This is Late Late Night FireDogLake, where off topic is the topic … so dive in. What’s on your mind?