Bush Vows To Continue His Genocide In Iraq Even Though His War is Lost
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on November 28th, 2006 10:43 am by HL
Anbar Picture Grows Clearer, and Bleaker
Washington Post
The U.S. military is no longer able to defeat a bloody insurgency in western Iraq or counter al-Qaeda’s rising popularity there, according to newly disclosed details from a classified Marine Corps intelligence report that set off debate in recent months about the military’s mission in Anbar province.
The Marines recently filed an updated version of that assessment that stood by its conclusions and stated that, as of mid-November, the problems in troubled Anbar province have not improved, a senior U.S. intelligence official said yesterday. “The fundamental questions of lack of control, growth of the insurgency and criminality” remain the same, the official said.
H.Ls. Take:
There you have it from the U.S. Marines. The Iraq war in unwinnable. Bush went to war against a nation that he claimed would have been a cakewalk, and lost. He is them most incompetent President of all times. Hell he is the most incompentent human of all time. He refused to listen to the military Generals at the Pentagon because he didn’t care about winning or losing the war, he just wanted that oil, and to get those permanent military bases up. Hence, despite calls from all sides to end the quagmire debacle deathtrap, Bush Continues to spew the same rhetoric he has been since day one.
Bush says U.S. won’t pull out of Iraq
“There’s one thing I’m not going to do, I’m not going to pull our troops off the battlefield before the mission is complete, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ” he said in a speech setting the stage for high-stakes meetings with the Iraqi prime minister later this week. “We can accept nothing less than victory for our children and our grandchildren.”
H.Ls. Take:
He means victory for HIS Children and Grandchildren, the rest of us will be paying off Bush’s 2 Billion Dollar a month ripoff of the United States for decades to come, while his family enjoys living in mansions, and going Yachting. In the meantime Bush’s Genocide of the Iraqi people continues
State of Emergency in Iraq Extended
Washington Post
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Parliament voted unanimously Tuesday to extend Iraq’s state of emergency for 30 more days, and suspected Sunni insurgents set off bombs that killed eight people and wounded 40 across the country.
Sectarian violence has worsened, and two car bombs exploded Tuesday near a hospital morgue in Baghdad, killing three civilians and one policeman and wounding 19 civilians, a police officer said on condition of anonymity to protect his security. Insurgents kill many of the Iraqi security forces working with the U.S.-led coalition.
H.L.s Take:
Now even our mainstream media is calling it What it is
NBC calls Iraq conflict ‘civil war’
NEW YORK – NBC News on Monday began referring to the Iraq conflict as a civil war, adopting a phrase that President Bush and many other news organizations have avoided.
Matt Lauer said on the “Today” show that “after careful consideration, NBC News has decided that a change in terminology is warranted, that the situation in Iraq with armed militarized factions fighting for their own political agendas can now be characterized as civil war.”
H.L.s Take
They knew that Iraq would deteroriate into a civil war before it even started. At least the smart people did. Bush wants all the Iraqis to kill each other to make the job easier for him. He purposely brought this about. So now we can go ahead and call it “Bush’s Genocide” putting him right up there with his grandpappys best friend Adolph Hitler.