Who Ya Gonna Call….Terrorist Busters
Posted in H.L. News, Pictures on October 23rd, 2007 10:05 am by HL
Think Progress.com
Have you seen the CIA’s new Terrorist Busters Logo? heh heh, its a takeoff of the old Ghostbusters Logo, the ghost with a circle around him with a line going through it. As usual the Bush administration, rather then actually doing anything about terrorists. (Because they only want to LOOK like they are doing something) are resorting to BS sloganeering, and empty talk. Look how stupid the people are. We will put out a cartoon drawing logo, and they will look at it and say oooh thats cool, we are such a bunch of bad asses. That must be the way these idiots think. Anyway I have modified it a little to show the first person the Terrorist Busters should be going after.
I love some of the comments from the readers on Think Progress, here are some of the best
1. How Old are these people
2. Gates: Tell them about the twinkie
Bush: What about the twinkie
3. Looks like a Mexican Wrestler
4. I’d have more trust in ghostbusters.
5. It probably took eight months and 4.5 million dollars to get that.
6. Is this going to be stamped on all the bombs we drop? Maybe on the side of Drones? How about all the top secret documents? Did we pay for this? How silly.
7. That’d look great on a lunchbox
8. I can’t wait to see this on some uniforms.
9. Ever notice that they wait until the Daily Show is in reruns before trotting out these gems?
10. Cheney:I am the Keymaster. Bush: I am the Gatekeeper.
11. Is that Erik Prince? The little feller looks like he just got dunked in black water. Or oil…
12. ha!!! – too funny – all this says to me is “hey look!! – here is one of the 200,000 ak47’s that bush lost!!”
October 24th, 2007 at 1:38 pm
Bush has now asked for $46 billion more for the illegal war in Iraq.
I am sick to death of hearing the fake opposition Dems in Congress moan about not having enough votes to end the war in Iraq. They give lip service to the myth that the only way to end the war is to write a bill saying “the war is now over” and send it to Bush for a prompt veto, then override the veto. They then throw up their hands, saying “Well, as you can see, we don’t have the votes to override any veto, so there’s no way to end the war. Sorry folks.”
This is disingenious and vividly illustrates who the Dems are really serving: the establishment, not their constituents.
Here’s how to end the war: No bill specifically ending the war is even necessary. Remember those supplemental funding bills the Cheney regime has to constantly ask for, to continue funding the Iraq war piecemeal instead of in yearly lump sums attached to the actual defense budget? That’s the achilles’ heel of their war effort. The next time Bush asks for another $80 billion or whatever to keep the Iraq bloodbath going, all the Democrats have to do to end the war is to say: NO. To say “We won’t allocate one more penny for your illegal war”. Last I checked the Dems have a wafer-thin majority in both houses. With no Dems voting for the next spending bill it won’t be passed and thus it won’t make it to Bush’s desk for signing. Bush (and especially his puppetmaster Cheney) may have concentrated an inordinate amount of power in the hands of the executive branch, but even they can’t send spending bills to their own desk. That necessarily has to come from Congress. If it never reaches his desk he can’t sign it, and will have 2 choices: 1.pull the troops out while there is still enough money left in the pipeline so to speak to allow an orderly withdrawl (and anyone who has five or more brain cells knows that the money isn’t going to run out the next day, that’s a non-issue that the right wing tries to use as a scare tactic but it is ridiculously dumbed down and simply not true; they don’t wait until they have $5 left before asking for another supplemental OK?); or 2.don’t pull them out right away, and leave them to wither on the vine in Iraq until the money DOES completely run out and they have to withdraw from Iraq chaotically, burning their supplies and vehicles. Either way the war will end pretty soon if the Dems refuse to vote on supplementals. They don’t have to write a bill saying they are cutting off funding; this is only a fig leaf so they can pretend to be doing something to end the war when all they are doing is purposely spinning their wheels. All they have to do is to NOT VOTE ON SUPPLEMENTALS. Pretty effing simple. The people NOW need to DEMAND in so many words that if the Democrats are a genuine opposition party that they will carry out the will of the people and NOT VOTE on supplementals. If they are a fake opposition party as I feel they are, and are acting not in the people’s interest but playing for the same team as the Republicans, then continue with more of the same hand-wringing and impotent nonbinding resolutions that resolve nothing. Decision time Democrats. Which are you? Genuine? Or fake opposition? I think I already know the answer to that one but why don’t you surprise me?