Dennis Kucinich Fundraiser & Speech Feb. 21, Be There
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on October 12th, 2007 8:28 am by HL
I went to a meeting of The San Gabriel Progressives last night in Pasadena. They are working on the Dennis Kucinich campaign, and are the de facto grass roots movement for Kucinich in California. These people are getting involved in politics from the ground up, and are putting their time, and even their own money into working to get the word out on Dennis. Currently they are organizing events such as a caravan that will travel all through Los Angeles handing out information and campaign for Dennis, The Progressives have set up a fund raiser for Kucinich, in which Dennis and his wife Elizabeth will attend. Dennis will be speaking. The event is in Sierra Madre, which is about 15 miles Northwest of Downtown L.A. All are invited, and admission is free. Here is the details.

Come on down, see Dennis speak, and maybe make a donation to his campaign. He is, afterall the only candidate worth voting for. Thanks to the San Gabriel Progressives for bringing this event to my attention.
The San Gabriel Progressives meet every Thursday night in Pasadena, if you are interested in learning more about them, and helping them campaign for Dennis Kucinich You can check out their page on Dennis’ website for all the info.