HL Becomes a Full Time Blogger Again
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on June 5th, 2007 8:32 am by HL
Hi, Just a note to let you know that HL is joining the world of the full time bloggers again. I had a parting of the ways with my job yesterday. It started when they would no longer allow me to be online which meant that this blog was seriously being curtailed. Well that’s over now, and the HL will be coming back stronger then ever. With more stories (we got a whole slew of new news items below) more Comics, more HL News Video Blogs, more, more, more. Of course money will now become somewhat of a problem for me. If you would like to help out you can make a paypal donation to
mail@thehollywoodliberal.com, which would be hugely appreciated. Another way to help keep us going is to Buy an HL T-Shirt and/or by visitng all our advertisers. Like the new one below. Thanks and stay tuned for More.