Bush Hurts Himself Trying to Think
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on June 5th, 2007 7:22 am by HL
A sudden barrage of ideas from Bush
LA Times
WASHINGTON — For a lame duck, President Bush looked remarkably spry last week, announcing a series of policy initiatives that caught many in Washington off guard.
Ever since Democrats took control of Congress in January, the White House has seemed in something of a funk — acting petulant when confronted with Democratic demands, irritated with the public focus on bad news in Iraq and the controversy over Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales, and lethargic in coming up with new ideas.
But that changed last week. On Tuesday, Bush announced new sanctions against Sudan and a nominee for World Bank president who was quickly embraced by both parties and allies around the world.
On Wednesday, the president announced a summit with Russian President Vladimir V. Putin and an initiative that he said would double spending on AIDS prevention in Africa
HL’s Take
Sorry Georgie, way to little, way to late. Your stronghold on worst President ever cannot possiblly be broken. I guess Bush woke up one day and realized his name will live in infamy forever. In the past he said he didn’t care about that because he “would be dead.” I doubt Bush’s new nominee for head of the world bank is loved by all either. I wouldn’t put much faith in what the LA times has to say either. Back when I had my job and they wouldn’t let me go on the internet anymore I started reading the LA Times. I was shocked at how they slanted every story to the right. Still covering for the disaster monkey after all this time. You would have thought that Los Angeles was Des Moines the way they love their Republicans at the Times.