Archive for June 24th, 2006

Videos:Springsteen Rips Coulter. Geraldo Rivera Gets High
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts), Videos on June 24th, 2006 1:48 pm by HL
You Tube
Bruce Springsteen Rips Coulter/Republicans in Interview

Crooks and Liars
Geraldo Smokes a Fatty, In Fox News Clip

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News: Feingold: No Regrets, Fox News Only Media Allowed in Guantanamo.+ More
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on June 24th, 2006 1:19 pm by HL
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Feingold has no regrets after Iraqi pullout vote
Excerpt: Washington – Russ Feingold, speaking after his plan to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq fell in a lopsided vote in the Senate, is sticking to his guns. The Democratic senator from Wisconsin, speaking Friday from Middleton, called the 3-year-old Iraq war a “tragic situation getting worse.” He said that to get stuck in Iraq, ignoring threats from al-Qaida in as many as 80 countries, “is a life-or-death matter for our troops and their families and all of us.”
Think Progress
Fox Gets ‘Fair And Balanced’ Access to Guantanamo
Excerpt Last week, the Pentagon shut down access entirely to the Guantanamo Bay prison after the suicide deaths of three detainees. Journalists covering the suicides had their clearances revoked and were immediately flown back to the United States, and regular visits between detainees and their lawyers were cancelled. Human rights groups protested: This press crackdown is the administration latest betrayal of fundamental American values. The Bush Administration is afraid of American reporters, afraid of American attorneys and afraid of American laws. Afraid of American journalists, that is, as long as they;re not from Fox. This morning, Fox News analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano described how the Defense Department had personally invited him on a trip to Guantanamo on Wednesday:NAPOLITANO: I was doing my radio show with Brian Kilmeade the other day and I get an email from the Defense Department saying, We have an extra seat on a flight down to Guantanamo, would you like to come? So, of course, I cleared it all I cleared it here with our superiors.
Pro-Israel Donors Rally For Joe, as Left Takes Aim
Excerpt: With Senator Joseph Lieberman facing an increasingly tight primary fight, pro-Israel interest groups are stepping up their support for the former vice presidential candidate. Lieberman will face Ned Lamont — a Greenwich, Conn., multimillionaire backed by party liberals unhappy with Lieberman’s support for the Iraq War and perceived coziness with Republicans — in Connecticut’s August 8 Democratic primary. While polls still predict that the three-term senator will win the contest handily, Lamont’s steadily rising poll numbers, as well as the low turnout projected for a midsummer election, has Lieberman supporters rallying to his defense. “Given the recent turn of events, we have decided to become further engaged in this race,” Dr. Ben Chouake said. Chouake is president of Norpac, a nonpartisan, New Jersey-based political action committee that supports pro-Israel candidates. “We’re going to contact our membership in the area, see if they can organize some voting drives on the ground, as well as do additional fund raising for his campaign.”
Faulking Truth
The Keystone Cops meet the Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight
Excerpt In the most stunning development yet in the scandal that is threatening to rock the very foundation of the US stock market, a former SEC attorney who was fired on September 1, 2005, has released two scathing letters accusing SEC officials of apparent wrongdoing in dealing with an investigation into one of the nations most prominent hedge funds, Pequot Capital Management. First, on the same day that a federal court struck down a rule requiring hedge funds to register with the SEC, the New York Times reported today that Aguirre had been fired by the SEC last August eleven days after he was praised for his work on the Pequot investigation and awarded a merit pay increase. His supervisor, Robert Hanson, wrote in Aguirre’s performance evaluation just before the firing, that “His efforts have uncovered evidence of potential insider trading and possible manipulative trading by the fund. He has consistently gone the extra mile, and then some.” Apparently, going the “extra mile†wasn’t what his superiors at the SEC had in mind, because Aguirre was fired without notice just eleven days later while he was on vacation.
The Nation
Say Goodbye to Bolton
Excerpt: It is almost a year since the Bush Administration sent John Bolton to the United Nations. In some ways, it is a foreign policy achievement of a high order to appoint someone who has so successfully poked his thumb up the nostrils of almost 190 other countries simultaneously. However, it is a dubious achievement
Greeley (Co.) Tribune
Film Crew Given Disorderly Conduct Tickets Despite Having Legal Permits to Shoot. Excerpt: Members of a film crew got the shock of their lives Saturday when a Larimer County SWAT team surrounded the crew and ordered everyone on their knees, hands behind their heads. The crew had a park permit and had been shooting the movie for several hours when the SWAT team moved in. The entire crew was ordered to drop to their knees with M-16 rifles pointed at their backs and then were forced to lay on the ground for 15 to 20 minutes. Several crew members tried to explain that they were just filming a movie, but were ordered by the SWAT team to shut up. “They told me they were going to send rounds my way,” said Borden who was incredulous about the whole incident.
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