Excerpt: Yahoo had a good quote from the movie which they have since removed…”Its better to get them in groups of 1 or 2, Get them away from their friends, then we can talk them into signing up.”
H.L.s Take: When I watched that scene in the movie I was fuming. Those military recruiters are ruthless bastards who will tell any lie imaginable to get impressionable young people to go over there and die for Bush’s lie. (If I remember the guy got a new car, for signing up for additional time to become a recruiter) I remember one kid loved Basketball, the recruiter said, “Hey you can play on the army basketball team”, another kid said that he was a musician; the recruiter said “Hey, you can join the army band.” All lies of course, those kids won’t be playing any B-ball, or jamming with fellow musicians, they will be getting their asses shot off. I wonder how many deaths that recruiter was responsible for by telling his lies. Now I don’t like to hear of anyone dying, but this guys death will actually save lives, except for the fact that some other evil bastard will step right up and take his place.
Talking Points Memo
From his speech this morning (emphasis added) …
As you might recall, I addressed that issue last year, focusing on Social Security reform. I’m not through talking about the issue. I spent some time today in the Oval Office with the United States senators, and they’re not through talking about the issue either. It’s important for this country — (applause) — I know it’s hard politically to address these issues. Sometimes it just seems easier for people to say, we’ll deal with it later on. Now is the time for the Congress and the President to work together to reform Medicare and reform Social Security so we can leave behind a solvent balance sheet for our next generation of Americans.(Applause.)
If we can’t get it done this year, I’m going to try next year.
H.L.s Take
Now why would Shumer go against his own party and back Lieberman as an Independent, If that in fact is what he would do??
So why has my party, the party of small government, lately adopted the practices of our opponents who believe the bigger the government the better? I’m afraid it’s because at times we value our incumbency more than our principles. We came to office to reduce the size of government. Lately, we have increased the size of government in order to stay in office. The editors of National Review have argued — and I agree with them — that unless Republicans curb government spending by reforming the budget process, we may lose our majorities in the House and Senate. I will go one step further and say that if Republicans do not reform our budget process, we will deserve to lose our majorities.
H.L.s Take
Forget it Johnny, They are in there to steal all the money, which sucks for your election campaign.
NY Daily NewsExcerpt:
WASHINGTON – President Bush’s playbook for the November elections urges GOP House and Senate candidates to emphasize to voters that it’s the war, stupid.
Bush and Rove’s campaign themes include :
Tax cuts: Make them permanent and prosperity will follow.
Seal the border: A guest worker program isn’t amnesty.
Medicare: Democrats talk about it; the GOP reformed it.
Energy: It’s time to just say no to Mideast oil.
God and family: Increase faith-based programs and confirm conservative judges who promote family values.
Blame the media: They hate us anyway, and now their leaks are damaging national security.
H.L.s Take
They are going to use the war as their main election talking point, thats good because….
USA Today
Excerpt: WASHINGTON The poll finds support for the ideas behind Democratic proposals that were soundly defeated in the Senate last week. An uptick in optimism toward the war after the killing of terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi earlier this month seems to have evaporated….In the poll, 57% say Congress should pass a resolution that outlines a plan for withdrawing U.S. troops; 39% say that decision should be left to the president and his advisers
Excerpt: HOUSTON – Furious about gas prices? Watch for a friendly oil executive coming to a town near you.
H.L.s TakeThat should go over well.
Bob Geiger on Alternet
In his quiet moments, Rep. John Murtha must sometimes catch himself thinking about how much easier his life would be if he had just kept his damn mouth shut and gone along to get along on the Iraq war. The Democrat, who has represented Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District for 32 years, began angering the Republican party in late 2005 when, having seen enough of the Bush administration’s incompetence, he became the most vocal critic of the White House’s failed and dishonest Iraq policies.
“The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It’s a flawed policy wrapped in illusion,” said Murtha, in November 2005,
OMB Watch
The White House and Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) are nearing a compromise on legislation that would authorize the National Security Agency (NSA) domestic spying program. The bill, unfortunately, as it currently stands, poses a severe threat to fundamental civil liberties.
Since the disclosure of the NSA’s domestic spying program in December 2005 by The New York Times and on the heels of the revelations about yet another secret surveillance program, Specter has been working on a bill that would provide the president with the means to protect against terrorism without compromising “the very civil liberties he seeks to safeguard.”
Specter’s National Security Surveillance Act of 2006 (S. 2453), however, does little to safeguard civil liberties. The bill includes a number of provisions that would eradicate protections against unreasonable searches and seizures that are protected in the Fourth Amendment.