Archive for June 27th, 2006

Videos: Don’t Accept Bush’s Crap. Senator Carl Levin, Gets Into It with Fox News
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts), Videos on June 27th, 2006 10:11 am by HL
Former Bush Assistant Secretary of State says don’t ‘accept the crap we give you’
Appearing before the The Senate Democratic Policy Committee, former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research Carl Ford called upon policy makers to accept part of the blame for intelligence failures, telling them to “not accept the crap we give you.”
The proceedings, chaired by Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND), heard testimony regarding pre-war intelligence in Iraq. The Democrats held their own hearings out of frustration with a lack of scrutiny of Iraq intelligence by the Republican-led Senate.
You Tube.
VIDEO: Sen. Levin and Fox Anchor in On-Air Scuffle Over Iraq Plan
This morning on Fox & Friends, anchor Brian Kilmeade and Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) had a heated exchange over Gen. George Casey’s stated plan to begin redeploying U.S. forces out of Iraq by the end of 2006.
Levin ended the segment by telling the anchor, “Well, thank you for your opinion. But I was hoping this would be an interview of me rather than an interview of you.” Afterwards, Kilmeade was shown scowling and shaking his head. Watch it:
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News: Bush Ignores Laws, Out of Touch Politicians Get Desperate
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on June 27th, 2006 9:55 am by HL
Bush ignores laws he inks, vexing Congress
Excerpt: WASHINGTON – The White House on Tuesday defended President Bush’s prolific use of bill signing statements, saying they help him uphold the Constitution and defend the nation’s security.
“There’s this notion that the president is committing acts of civil disobedience, and he’s not,” said Bush’s press secretary Tony Snow, speaking at the White House. “It’s important for the president at least to express reservations about the constitutionality of certain provisions.”
When out-of-touch politicians get desperate
Excerpt: A brief scan of the political news these days makes clear that politicians and pundits in Washington are getting very frightened about the grassroots activism boiling outside the Beltway – and now they are getting really desperate. David Broder and David Brooks now regularly use their columns to attack activists who have the nerve to get involved in their own democracy. And now, today, we see New York Sen. Chuck Schumer (D) is jumping into the fray as well.
Schumer, a consummate Washington insider, is now using his position as head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee to try to crush his own party’s activists in Connecticut. According to Time Magazine, Schumer has pressed Senate candidate Ned Lamont (D) to abandon his run against Sen. Joe Lieberman (D) – the Democratic incumbent who has repeatedly and destructively undermined the Democratic Party for years. Schumer has also said he would consider backing Lieberman’s bid for re-election even if Lieberman leaves the Democratic Party
H.L.s Take
Now why would Shumer go against his own party and back Lieberman as an Independent, If that in fact is what he would do??
Scrawled Bush threat sparks California port scare
Excerpt LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A bomb threat against President George W. Bush and his “Jewish gang” scrawled in a cargo ship prompted authorities to shut down part of a major California port on Monday until investigators determined that no explosives were on the vessel.
Officials shut down a terminal at Port Hueneme, about 60 miles north of Los Angeles, after a dock worker discovered the message inside the refrigerated cargo ship, arriving from Guatemala with a load of bananas
H.L.s Take
So the monkey is getting his food delivered to California now???
Why Did Joe Lieberman Delete This Page From His Site?
Excerpt: Thanks to an eagle-eyed FDL commenter, we found a page that had been deleted from Joe Lieberman’s campaign site but was still cached in Google as of this writing (search terms: and iraq.) I thought it was important to preserve it for posterity, before Google refreshes its caches.
Question: Did he delete it because 1) he boasts of getting war-related jobs for Connecticut, or 2) because he brags about helping to create centralized near-dictatorial intelligence authority in one person – of whom the first was GOP hack Porter Goss and the second was admitted law-breaker Gen. Hayden?
Miami plot suspects entrapped: lawyers
Raw Story
Excerpt: WASHINGTON Albert Levin, the court-appointed attorney for suspect Patrick Abraham, said he believes his client was ensnared by the informant.
There was “a lot of talking going on by the informant and more listening by the defendant and or the defendants,” Levin told Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly.
Nathan Clarke, a lawyer for another suspect Rotschild Augustine, agreed.
“With respect to my client, from what I can read in the indictment, there’s going to be a question of whether there’s even sufficient evidence to sustain the burden of proof on conviction,” Clarke said.
“If by any chance there’s a scintilla of that then, of course, there’s going to be the entrapment issue,” he said.
Kerry and Feingold form alliance on Iraq
Excerpt: Both Kerry, D-Mass., and Feingold, D-Wis., insist that politics has nothing to do with it.
“Not on subjects of war and peace,” Kerry said in a telephone interview. “Not on subjects that involve young Americans in uniform in harm’s way. As far as I’m concerned, the only consideration is what’s the best policy, how do you advance the security of our country, and what do we do to do it?”
Feingold, who voted against the Iraq war resolution in 2002, last year became the first senator to call for a troop withdrawal timetable. He said he didn’t mind that many news stories referred to the “Kerry” proposal.
H.L.s TakeThats my Boys.
DOJ Study: Eight Percent Of Police Brutality Claims Result In Discipline
Excerpt: Eight percent of citizen complaints that police officers used too much force turned up enough evidence to justify discipline of an officer, a Justice Department survey of large state and local forces reported Sunday.
The survey by department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics found that 26,556 complaints of excessive police force were filed in 2002 with state and local law enforcement agencies that have at least 100 full-time officers.
H.L.s Take
Here in L.A. there is a story about Police using excessive force every week. There is also a story every week about a cop that used excessive force, and got away with it. Unless there is videotape evidence, there is no way any court is ever going to go against any cop, for something like that.
List of Events for the June 27th “National Day of Action” Stand Up with Lt. Ehren Watada!
Excerpt COURAGE TO RESIST is a group of concerned community members, veterans and military families that supports military objectors to illegal war and occupation and the policies of empire. Our People Power strategy weakens the pillars that maintain war and occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere by supporting GI resistance, counter-recruitment and draft resistance, which cuts off the supply of troops.
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