The Washington Times’ ?Year Of Obama Derangement Syndrome
Few right-wing media outlets suffer more from Obama Derangement Syndrome than The Washington Times. Media Matters takes a look back at the Times‘ most outlandish, bizarre, and inflammatory attacks on President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama of 2011.
Wash. Times: Bin Laden “Outmaneuvered” Obama With Taped Message. In a May 19 editorial, The Washington Times wrote that Osama bin Laden “outmaneuvered” President Obama, writing that bin Laden’s “final taped message was an eerie refutation of President Obama’s major Middle East policy address. Even in death, bin Laden launched a surprise attack with impeccable timing.” The Times further claimed that the words of bin Laden’s taped message “could easily have tracked across Mr. Obama’s teleprompter.” [The Washington Times,
[The Washington Times, 9/8/11, via Media Matters]
Washington Times: Obama Policies “Bringing America To The Brink Of Third World Inferiority.” In an April 15 editorial, The Washington Times wrote that Obama’s “policies have secured America’s status as part of the declining world.” The Times further wrote: “[T]he president’s answer to economic crisis is to heap on more debt. It’s this crippling tax-and-spend Obama creed that’s bringing America to the brink of Third World inferiority.” [The Washington Times, 4/15/11, via Media Matters]
Kuhner Called For Obama’s Impeachment Over Libya Policy. In a March 24 column, Kuhner called for Obama’s impeachment over his handling of Libya, writing that “[t]he Libyan war is part of a pattern of Mr. Obama’s unethical and criminal behavior” and that “[i]f Republicans and conservatives are serious about restoring constitutional government, they will demand that Mr. Obama be impeached.” Kuhner further wrote that Obama is a “socialist thug” who “has betrayed his country, his constitutional oath of office and his duty as commander in chief.” [The Washington Times, 3/24/11, via Media Matters]
Times Called Obama A “Bigot” And Restrictions On Handgun Magazines “Pointless.” In a March 1 editorial, The Washington Times stated that “restrictions on things like the size of handgun magazines” are “pointless.” The Times also wrote that President Obama is “a bigoted man who derisively describes small-town America as a place where people ‘cling to guns.'” [The Washington Times, 3/1/11, via Media Matters]
Times Declared DOMA Decision Part Of Obama’s “Strategy To Force The Radical Homosexual Agenda On America.” In a February 23 editorial, The Washington Times wrote that the Department of Justice’s decision to no longer defend portions of the Defense of Marriage Act “is the next step of President Obama’s strategy to force the radical homosexual agenda on America against the will of the people and Congress.” [The Washington Times, 2/23/11, via Media Matters]
Nugent: “It’s Hard To Argue” That Obama Isn’t “Out To Destroy America.” In a February 8 column, Ted Nugent wrote that “there are some Americans who think Mr. Obama is out to destroy America or at to least [sic] reduce the country to the equivalent of a Third World country.” He then added, “Sadly, it’s hard to argue with the flow of evidence.” [The Washington Times, 2/8/11, via Media Matters]
Kuhner: Obama Is A “Machiavellian Socialist” And A “Radical Leftist Who Seeks To Dismantle Capitalism.” In his January 27 column, Kuhner wrote that Obama is a “Machiavellian socialist” and a “radical leftist who seeks to dismantle capitalism and the achievements of the Reagan revolution.” [The Washington Times, 1/27/11, via Media Matters]
Kuhner: Obama’s Tucson Memorial Address “Was A Surreal Spectacle In Narcissistic Self-Congratulation” That “Dishonored The Victims.” In a January 13 column titled, “Obama’s Tucson degradation,” Kuhner wrote that Obama was “cynically exploiting the tragic shooting in Tucson for political gain” and that his memorial address “was a surreal spectacle in narcissistic self-congratulation” that “dishonored the victims” of the shootings. Kuhner further wrote that the shooting victims were “doubly degraded by a narcissistic president who used their suffering as political fodder.” [The Washington Times, 1/13/11, via Media Matters]