HL to Interview Henry Waxman Tomorrow at 11AM
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on August 7th, 2007 7:49 pm by HL
I guess the commenter who called himself Henry Waxman was really him. I called the number he gave on the comment and got through to someone who emailed me back and said that Mr. Waxman was ready to speak with that morning. Henry represents my district (the 30th) here in Hollywood. I scheduled it for 11 AM this morning. (Wednedsay) I’ll be busy prepping in the morning and will do an audio interview which I will post up here by the afternoon. I did a post on Democratic Underground asking people if they had any questions for him. This is what they asked. If anyone else has any questions leave them here. HL
August 7th, 2007 at 9:23 pm
If U.S. citizens are deported to the new FEMA camps, will they be allowed to contact family members or be held incommunicado? In other words, are there plans in the works to have a communications infrastructure such as phone or 2way radio?
August 8th, 2007 at 5:15 am
When are we going to eliminate the Federal Reserve? The cause of most problems in America?