Terry Newell: Who Cares What the Experts Say? – The Democratization of Science
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on May 10th, 2010 4:47 am by HL
Terry Newell: Who Cares What the Experts Say? – The Democratization of Science
The difficulty during last year’s Copenhagen Climate Summit in reaching agreement on how to address global warming reflects the contentious political environment on even scientific…
Morris Davis: Obama Perptuates Discrimination with Kagan Pick
“The founders of (historically black) institutions knew, of course, that inequality would persist long into the future. They recognized that barriers in our laws, and…
IMF Approves Greece Loan: Nearly $40 Billion Bailout
WASHINGTON — The International Monetary Fund has put up nearly $40 billion to help bail out Greece and appease investors’ fears of a spreading European…
Robert Kuttner: Teachable Moments — But Where’s the Teacher-in-Chief?
What do the Goldman Sachs fraud case, the BP oil blowout and the stock market going berserk have in common? They each demonstrate why the private profit motive cannot be relied upon without some steering or harnessing mechanism by government. A president committed to rallying public opinion to the cause of a more balanced economy would be all over these teachable moments, connecting the dots, rebuilding the ideology of managed capitalism, making the case for tougher government action in the public interest, and rallying the citizenry to his cause.