Late Late Night FDL: The Battle Of The Folkies
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on May 10th, 2010 4:49 am by HL
Late Late Night FDL: The Battle Of The Folkies
The Battle Of The Folkies from The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, featuring Peter, Paul, and Mary, Donovan, and The Smothers Brothers performing abridged versions of their greatest hits.
The Battle Of The Folkies from The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, featuring Peter, Paul, and Mary, Donovan, and The Smothers Brothers performing abridged versions of their greatest hits.
What’s on your mind?
Unleash the Kagan
Oh Elena Kagan, there’s another “well-kept” secret in Washington.
My initial thought about the claim that Elena Kagan is going to be nominated by Obama to the Supreme Court is — oh God, there’s another Kagan?! Hasn’t that family done enough to ruin America?
But then I found out, different family — one that has only begun to do so.
So sort of a relief. Sort of…
Some liberal critics have said that Kagan’s views on executive power and the treatment of terrorist detainees are too conservative.
Oh, that and other things, go into the ‘hope & change’ exclusions clause in 1-point pitch on your campaign contribution receipts.
Please feel free to begin your day of expressing dissatisfaction of varying degrees below.