GOPers Hammer Obama on Iran Policy
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 14th, 2011 5:31 am by HL
GOPers Hammer Obama on Iran Policy
Tumulty & Bacon, Washington Post
With the International Atomic Energy Agency warning in a new report that Iran may be proceeding with developing a nuclear weapon, the leading Republican candidates for president accused President Obama of not being forceful enough to prevent that from happening.At the first GOP debate that focused on foreign policy, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and former House speaker Newt Gingrich indicated that if either of them were commander in chief, they would be willing to use military force against Iran, if tightened economic sanctions and support for the Iranian opposition did not work…
Cowardly Lions at Penn State
Michael Goodwin, New York Post
It is a cliché to say that football is like life. At Penn State, it is also insufficient. For under Joe Paterno, football was life.And now a glorious era is finished, demolished beyond redemption. The scandalous end of Paterno’s career has wiped out the university’s sterling reputation and shattered the trust of an entire sport. Riots by crackpot students and death threats punctuate the madness.
Mishandlers of Troops’ Remains Should Be Fired
Obama Says U.S. Businesses Have Been “Lazy”
Peter Nicholas, LA Times
Does President Obama believe the country he leads has the right stuff?Every now and then Obama lets slip that he doesn't believe his countrymen are all that tough.Back in September he told a TV station that the U.S. had “gotten a little soft’’ when it came to competing in international markets.On Saturday, speaking at a business forum on the sidelines of an economic summit in Honolulu, he said the U.S. had been “lazy’’ when it came to enticing businesses to invest in America.
Protest Fatigue
Debra Saunders, San Francisco Chronicle
The Bay Area has come down with a serious case of Protest Fatigue. The 99 percent of Northern Californians who want to go about their business are being jammed with protests and forced to pay for shutdowns imposed by the 1 percent of activists who don't know the difference between free speech and free camping. There are so many protests here that the group No Justice No BART had to call off a planned demonstration on Nov. 2 in order to accommodate activists planning to take public transit to the Occupy Oakland general strike.When President Obama came to San Francisco last month,…