Right-Wing Warns Of ‘Homosexual Indoctrination’ In Public Schools
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on April 21st, 2011 4:36 am by HL
Right-Wing Warns Of ‘Homosexual Indoctrination’ In Public Schools
To hear some on the political right talk about it, “homosexual indoctrination” is already a problem in public schools — and it’s about to get much, much worse.
James O’Keefe Grinds With Mary Landrieu Impersonator In New Music Video
James O’Keefe is out with a new music video that features him singing, dancing, smashing windows and grinding with a Sen. Mary Landrieu impersonator.
Dem Rep To Introduce Bill Aimed At Squelching Tea Party License Plates
A bill to introduce specialty Tea Party license plates in Arizona — the sales of which would be used to fund Tea Party causes — is now on its way to Governor Jan Brewer (R) for approval after being passed…