McCain, Obama Shouldn’t Be at Ground Zero
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on September 12th, 2008 4:28 am by HL
McCain, Obama Shouldn’t Be at Ground Zero
WASHINGTON — Let this be the last time. Please, let it be the last. Let this be the last commemoration of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to be used as any sort of backdrop for political theatrics, even if the show is bipartisan. Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain plan to visit Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan on Thursday, to “honor the memory of each and every American who died” in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The Democratic and Republican presidential candidates have agreed to suspend negative television advertising on the anniversary, an unassailable idea for uncountable reasons.
GOP Back on the Polarization Trail
“We grow good people all across America, with honesty, sincerity and dignity.” No, Sarah Palin didn’t say that. She said, “We grow good people in our small towns” and listed the above virtues. Her speechwriter’s strategy is clear — to revive the “us” versus “them” storyline for the conservative base. “Us” is good rural, small-town folk and “them” is the dissipated urban elites, mostly domiciled on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. You’d never know from the recent Republican convention that America was about to remember the terrorist attack on New York, when 411 city firefighters, police and medical personnel died trying to save people they had never met.