The Case Against Obama Part One
Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama promises to “cut taxes for 95 percent of American workers.” That’s not possible. Why? More than 30 percent pay nothing in federal income taxes. Obama comes up with this number by calling tax credits “tax cuts.” One can debate whether these things are good or bad, but they are not tax cuts. McCain offers refundable tax credits for health care, as well as other credits, but he doesn’t insult the intelligence of the American people by calling them “tax cuts.” When Obama’s credits go to people who pay no federal income taxes or who pay less than the value of the credit, they are not “tax cuts.” They are transfers of money from one pocket to another, or redistributions of wealth, but they are not tax cuts.

Government Must Create Jobs
WASHINGTON — The last thing we need is another “economic stimulus” package. What we need is a jobs package. And we ought to start calling it that. Everyone knows the last stimulus plan was a tax rebate for most Americans. It was delivered during the spring and summer and was responsible, some economists say, for what amounted to a brief postponement of the worst of the worst — what is shaping up as perhaps the deepest recession in a generation.

Renewing Memories of Gettysburg
GETTYSBURG, Pa. — In 1863, eleven major roads converged on this town. Which is why history did, too. The founding of the American nation was the hinge of world history: Popular sovereignty would have its day. The collision of armies here was the hinge of American history: The nation would long endure. Which is why 200 or so generous private citizens recently gathered here for a quiet celebration of their gift to the nation — a sparkling new Museum and Visitor Center that instructs and inspires.