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Archive for March, 2007

Is Dianne Feinstein an Ethics Violator?

Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on March 30th, 2007 6:53 am by HL

Violations Force Feinstein Military Committee Resignation

Corruption Chronicles.

During her six years as chair and ranking member of the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee, Senator Dianne Feinstein annually supervised the appropriation of billions of dollars for specific military construction projects. The San Francisco lawmaker supervised her own staff of military construction experts and she lobbied Pentagon officials to support her favorite projects.

She wielded quite a bit of power and succeeded in steering hundreds of billions of dollars in military contracts to companies partially owned by her wealthy husband, Richard Blum. One company alone earned $792 million from military construction and environmental cleanup projects approved by Feinstein’s committee and another $759 million.

The blatant ethics violation and obvious conflict of interest was first exposed earlier this year by a weekly Northern California publication. The story details how Feinstein voted over the years for appropriations that enriched her husband’s firms and that her top legal advisor also happens to be one of her husband’s longtime business partners; in other words, a financial beneficiary of the senator’s decisions.

HLs Take:
If this is true, then Feinstein is just another hypocrite politician just as bad as the Republicans. Even if it’s not true the time has come to oust this Republican lite, out of the Democratic party for good. We need a better Senator from California. Martin Sheen should run, he would win if he did. If he was in there he would be doing everything he could to stop Bush and war. I guess Marty just has too much ethics for Politics.

Judith Nathan, Or Bill Clinton

Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on March 30th, 2007 6:41 am by HL

Who Would You Rather Have Sit in on a Cabinet Meeting?

Rudy Giuliani says his wife Judith Nathan would be welcome to sit in on cabinet and policy meetings if he were elected President.

How typical of his absolute arrogance.

If Hillary gets elected, we'd have Bill Clinton either sitting in on meetings or being Ambassador to the world.

Hillary Clinton says many people want her to appoint her husband secretary of State if she wins. Such nepotism was outlawed after John Kennedy made his brother Bobby attorney general, she noted at the fundraiser.

Then she added, to huge cheers, “But I sure can make him ambassador to the world!” That is a role the former president already is playing, mostly through the William Jefferson Clinton Foundation.

How is this even a close call?

Missouri & Texas Introduce Impeachment Bills

Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on March 30th, 2007 6:34 am by HL

Missouri & Texas Introduce Impeachment Bills

Yellow Rose Peace Bus — “Texas State Representative Lon Burnam introduced HCR. No. 154: Submitting charges to the United States House of Representatives constituting proof that the president of the United States has violated his oath of office.”

Rep. Nasheed, Jamilah sponsored and Rep. Jeanette Mott Oxford cosponsored a bill calling for the impeachment of George Bush.

Video: Bill Maher on Keith Olbermann’s Countdown

Posted in Main Blog (All Posts), Videos on March 30th, 2007 6:29 am by HL

Bill Maher Discusses Bush’s 9/11 Non-Reaction On Olbermann

Bill Maher was a guest on Keith Olbermann’s Countdown last night. They talked about many interesting subjects regarding Bush, and Republicans, including Bush’s reaction on 0/11 See the whole interview here.

Mc Cain Lies About Iraq (Again)

Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on March 28th, 2007 6:53 am by HL

McCain: Progress is being made in Iraq

WASHINGTON – Republican presidential contender John McCain (news, bio, voting record) said Tuesday, “we are starting to turn things around” in the Iraq war, as he broke off campaigning in Florida to vote against a proposed troop withdrawal timeline.

HLs Take:
Turning things around did he say? So in other the words the war has reached a turning point? Funny thats the same thing that Bush said almost a year ago back on May 6, 2006 (of course he said THAT two years after he declared Mission Accomplished) So Mc Cain lies about the Turning Point just as Bush did in this comic called, what else, Turning Point. Click on link to see the whole comic.

Mc Cain and Bush lie about the war

Funny Alberto “Torture Boy” Gonzalez Videos

Posted in Main Blog (All Posts), Videos on March 28th, 2007 5:13 am by HL

If you are a fan of the movies Scarface, and The Godfather like me, you will probably like the first 2, the third one is pretty good too.

Gonzalez Resigns: Say Goodnight To The Bad Guy

Torture Boy Gets Whacked by The Godfather

Quit Your Job

Video: Torture Boy Runs Out of Press Confrence to Avoid Prosecutorgate Questions

Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts), Videos on March 28th, 2007 5:12 am by HL

Questions on firings shorten Gonzales news conference

Chicago Tribune
A scheduled 15-minute news conference with Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales was quickly cut short in Chicago on Tuesday, with Gonzales leaving the room after just three questions about the controversial dismissal of a group of U.S. attorneys….The attorney general’s handling of the aftermath has resulted in demands that he lose his own job.

Gonzales said he wants his office to work to “reassure the American people that nothing improper happened here” and insisted he has been forthcoming about his role.

HLs Take
If he want to be forthcoming about his role, then answer the F**king questions. Click through to the link to see the video of how fast torture boy can move when he wants to

The Dirt on Rudy Guiliani

Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on March 28th, 2007 5:10 am by HL

Rudy Giuliani’s Vulnerabilities

The Smoking Gun

Secret study cited “weirdness factor” among candidate weaknesses

FEBRUARY 12–As he campaigns for the Republican presidential nomination, Rudolph Giuliani will have to contend with political and personal baggage unknown to prospective supporters whose knowledge of the former New York mayor is limited to his post-September 11 exploits. So, in a bid to educate the electorate, we’re offering excerpts from a remarkable “vulnerability study” that was commissioned by Giuliani’s campaign prior to his successful 1993 City Hall run…
On the following pages, you’ll find the vulnerability report’s cover and preface and sections on Reagan Republicanism, women and abortion, Giuliani’s first marriage and divorce, draft dodging, gay issues, racial polarization, and his party registration “flip-flop.”

HLs Take
There are 27 Pages of documents here, Did you know that Rudy first marriage was to his own cousin, and not only that he claims he didn’t know for 14 years, this guy is as big a liar as Bush. What a total freak.

Newspaper Revenues, Circulation Continue to Sink

Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on March 28th, 2007 5:08 am by HL

Drop in Ad Revenue Raises Tough Question for Newspapers

NY Times
For newspapers, February was the cruelest month. So far.
Revenue from advertising was in striking decline last month, compared with February a year ago, and were generally weaker than analysts had expected…..
Ad revenue at The New York Times Company fell 6 percent overall, declining 7.5 percent at The New York Times; ad revenue at the company’s New England Media Group, which includes The Boston Globe, was down 4 percent. At The Wall Street Journal, published by Dow Jones, it was off 10 percent.

The Tribune Company, whose papers include The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune and The Baltimore Sun, reported losses of more than 5 percent. So did McClatchy, whose papers include The Miami Herald, The Sacramento Bee and The Lexington Herald-Leader in Kentucky.

HLs Take:
Maybe if these Newspapers started telling the truth, stopped licking Bush’s ass on a daily basis, stopped cheerleading a war they know the people are against. People might start reading the newspapers again. But why should they waste 50 cents when they can come home and read the truth on blogs for free? You know newspapers are obsolete when you are reading the stories on LA Times online, then 24 hours later you stop to pick up a burger on the way home from the bar, grab a paper, and read the same stories again.

Video: Iraq Veteran Congressman Blasts Republicans for Following Bush

Posted in Main Blog (All Posts), Videos on March 27th, 2007 4:28 am by HL

Murtha And Murphy Said It All About Iraq Last Week


“In the last four years, the Republican Congress followed this president, as thousands of brave American soldiers returned home in coffins, with our American flag. Nineteen of those coffins had soldiers I served with in Iraq — 19 paratroopers.

“Mr. Speaker, with this bill, with this vote, we mark the end of that error.

“To those on the other side of the aisle who are opposed, I want to ask you the same questions that my gunner asked me when I was leading a convoy up and down Ambush Alley one day. He said, ‘Sir, what are we doing over here? What’s our mission? When are these Iraqis going to come off the sidelines and fight for their own country?’ So to my colleagues across the aisle – – – your taunts about supporting our troops ring hollow if you are still unable to answer those questions now four years later.”