US Second Least Peaceful Nation in The World
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on May 31st, 2007 6:19 am by HL
U.S. ranks low, just above Iran on new peace index
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States is among the least peaceful nations in the world, ranking 96th between Yemen and
Iran, according to a new index released on Wednesday that evaluates 121 nations based on their peacefulness.
According to the Global Peace Index, created by The Economist Intelligence Unit, Norway is the most peaceful nation in the world and
Iraq is the least, just after Russia,
Israel and Sudan.
“The objective of the Global Peace Index was to go beyond a crude measure of wars by systemically exploring the texture of peace,” said Global Peace Index President Clyde McConaghy.
He said the inaugural effort proves “peace can and has and will continue to be measured.”
The index was compiled based on 24 indicators measuring peace inside and outside of a country. They included the number of wars a country was involved in the past five years, how many soldiers were killed overseas and how much money was made in arms sales.
Domestic indicators included the level of violent crimes, relations with neighboring countries and level of distrust in other citizens.
HL’s Take:
Second least peacefull nation in the world, behind only Iran, with Yemen, and Israel right behind us. Sounds about right to me, since the United States is the tool of Israel in their never ending problems with Arabs. How come no one ever invades Norway. How come “terrorists” don’t want to go to Norway and blow up buildings. Violence, begets violence. The more you screw with other people, the more they want to screw with you. Not because they hate freedom you stupid monkeys. If we took all the money we spend on war and used it to promote peace, and fair trade with other countries instead of using it to screw with them, we wouldn’t have any war. But the military industrial complex would not like that because they would no longer be making billions and billions of dollars. The many suffer so the few, like George Bush and his scumbag father, can party on yachts and buy 98,000 acre ranches in Paraguay