Late Late Nite FDL: Changes
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on October 9th, 2008 4:38 am by HL
Late Late Nite FDL: Changes
David Bowie – Changes.
What’s on your mind tonight?
David Bowie – Changes.
What’s on your mind tonight?
Late Late Nite FDL: Changes
David Bowie – Changes.
What’s on your mind tonight?
David Bowie – Changes.
What’s on your mind tonight?
Progressive Voter Guide to the Economy
From the housing crisis to the minimum wage, a look at where the candidates stand on nine important economic issues.
How T. Boone Pickens’ Energy Plan Just Got Killed
The new bailout plan passed by Congress may have put the nail in the coffin on Pickens’ dangerous energy proposal.
“Our People Are Not Afraid”
Rummaging through American history, I just stumbled on this, from Franklin Roosevelt’s 9th State of the Union Address, January 6, 1942: If any of our enemies, from Europe or from Asia, attempt long-range raids by “suicide” squadrons of bombing planes,…
TPMtv: It’s the Surge, Stupid
If you’re desperate to be John McCain’s vice presidential nominee, you better get on TV and start talking up the Surge as the single most important issue in this year’s presidential campaign. And if you’re serious about getting picked it…
A Stupid Strategy Sputters Out
Over at National Review’s The Corner, there was distress and disappointment that Sen. John McCain didn’t raise the scurillious guilt-by-association attacks that his campaign recently recycled.
One lamented, “Obama comes off as just your average Center-Left politician … You helped portray Obama as a clearly qualified presidential candidate who would fight terrorists.”
Here’s their problem. Obama is a clearly qualified, mainstream “center-left” politician who would fight terrorists.
Anyone who watched Obama during the primaries would know that any attempt to portray Obama as a radical subversive was bound to fail.
Once the majority of the voting public tuned into the debates, it was utterly predictable that Obama would not do anything that would feed such a caricature — the way Gore’s minor flubs could be spun into being a serial exaggerator, or Kerry’s windsurfing was spun into being an elitist. In turn,the attacks would seem completely out of sync.
Furthermore, it should have been expected in a major “town hall” debate with questions screened by a moderator that no smears would be embedded in any question. And there would be little opportunity to bring up any smears directly without it backfiring miserably. Starting a smear campaign two days before such a debate was foolish.
But that’s a side point. Fundamentally, the strategy was silly. If there was any doubt, the positive reaction to Obama in the first debate should have dispelled it.
McCain can’t get back in this race by running against a fictional character. He has to run against Obama, and make a case that he has a better strategy than Obama for getting the economy back on track.
But that would require having a strategy. And he’s running out of time to come up with one.
Gingrich Changes His Mind On The Bailout?Again: McCain Should ?Separate Himself? From The Plan
Last month, MSNBC reported that up until the last minute, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich was telling GOP lawmakers “in the strongest possible language” to vote against the $700 billion bailout legislation. Speaking at the National Press Club later that same day, Gingrich took umbrage at the charge, saying, “I was actually reluctantly […]
Last month, MSNBC reported that up until the last minute, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich was telling GOP lawmakers “in the strongest possible language” to vote against the $700 billion bailout legislation. Speaking at the National Press Club later that same day, Gingrich took umbrage at the charge, saying, “I was actually reluctantly trying to help it get through.”
Gingrich’s claim now seems to be less than honest. In a new piece on Human Events, Gingrich actually urges Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to distance himself from the bailout that he allegedly helped push through:
If Senator McCain is not prepared to separate himself from the Bush-Paulson economic program, he has no opportunity to win.
The country is deeply fed up with the Bush presidency and angry about the Paulson bailout. If McCain is confused or uncertain about how bad this economic performance is, he will never get the country to listen to him.
Gingrich’s views have been practically impossible to pin down on this issue. Some of his past positions on the bailout:
– Sept. 29: “I’m not sure if I were in the Congress I could vote against it.”
– Sept. 29: “The vote today indicated that even when they’d worked for five days to try to improve what was really a pretty terrible original plan that [Paulson] sent up, it still couldn’t get a majority in the House.”
– Sept. 23: At a press conference Tuesday, Gingrich said the bailout proposal is a “watershed event” that puts the credibility of the GOP presidential nominee on the line. If McCain plays the maverick card, Gingrich said, the bailout will become the “Obama-Bush plan.”
So, to summarize: Gingrich was against the bailout, and then for it, and then against it, and then for it, and now against it again. According to congressional conservatives, all of this is “the opening salvo of Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign four years hence.”
Obama Remarks On Economic Downturn, Healthcare Reform
SPEAKER: SEN. BARACK OBAMA, D-ILL. [*] OBAMA: We meet today at a moment of great uncertainty for America. Yesterday, we saw another significant drop in the stock market as the anxiety about this financial crisis grew worse. Overnight, the same thing happened with markets around the world. And t…
There was a joke going around conservative circles during the mid-1960s that we conservatives were warned that if we voted for Barry Goldwater, America would get deeper into the Vietnam War. The punch line was that we did vote for Goldwater and America did get deeper into Vietnam. (Of course, President Lyndon Johnson had campaigned on that warning, and then it was he who got us deeper in.) I couldn’t help thinking of that old joke Monday. It had been only Friday that members of the House had been warned that if they voted against the $700 billion bailout, the world’s stock exchanges would crash. Well, 171 representatives did vote no (though the bill passed anyway), and sure enough, on Monday, from Moscow to London to Paris to Frankfurt to Asia to New York, the markets of the world did crash.
Into Africom
With the establishment of the Pentagon’s new regional command for Africa, AFRICOM, addressing the complex political and social challenges of the African continent moves from diplomatic afterthought to shrewd long-term effort. The new theater command became operational Oct. 1. For decades, American diplomats serving in Africa — particularly sub-Saharan Africa — referred to their region as “the neglected continent.” I recall a conversation in the early 1990s with a U.S. Army officer tasked with supporting military attaches serving in embassies in southern Africa. Over breakfast he lamented the persistent lack of funds and personnel hampering State Department and Pentagon programs. U.S. military command structure reflected the “afterthought” status. Operations and assistance programs for most of Africa were administered by U.S. European Command (USEUCOM). Central Command (CENTCOM) had a chunk of Africa’s northeast. Pacific Command (PACOM) was responsible for islands off Africa in the Indian Ocean.