Caption This: Actual Photo of McCain Right After Debate
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts), Pictures on October 16th, 2008 11:12 am by HL

Have you seen the CIA’s new Terrorist Busters Logo? heh heh, its a takeoff of the old Ghostbusters Logo, the ghost with a circle around him with a line going through it. As usual the Bush administration, rather then actually doing anything about terrorists. (Because they only want to LOOK like they are doing something) are resorting to BS sloganeering, and empty talk. Look how stupid the people are. We will put out a cartoon drawing logo, and they will look at it and say oooh thats cool, we are such a bunch of bad asses. That must be the way these idiots think. Anyway I have modified it a little to show the first person the Terrorist Busters should be going after.
I love some of the comments from the readers on Think Progress, here are some of the best
1. How Old are these people
2. Gates: Tell them about the twinkie
Bush: What about the twinkie
3. Looks like a Mexican Wrestler
4. I’d have more trust in ghostbusters.
5. It probably took eight months and 4.5 million dollars to get that.
6. Is this going to be stamped on all the bombs we drop? Maybe on the side of Drones? How about all the top secret documents? Did we pay for this? How silly.
7. That’d look great on a lunchbox
8. I can’t wait to see this on some uniforms.
9. Ever notice that they wait until the Daily Show is in reruns before trotting out these gems?
10. Cheney:I am the Keymaster. Bush: I am the Gatekeeper.
11. Is that Erik Prince? The little feller looks like he just got dunked in black water. Or oil…
12. ha!!! – too funny – all this says to me is “hey look!! – here is one of the 200,000 ak47’s that bush lost!!”
You know that when it comes to predicting the future under Bush, the only trick is to imagine the worst possible scenario, predict it, and then wait for it to come true. Simple. Well here is a scenario that no one could possibly believe now, but wait, President Jenna Bush. You have to be 35 to run for President, Jenna will be 27 next month. That means that after Hillary gets done with her 2 terms, the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton/Bush trend will continue with President Jenna. (why not Barbara you ask? because you have to imagine the WORST possible scenario.) By then the Republicans will have fully perfected vote stealing so there will be nothing anyone can do about it.
Jenna Bush has taken on many roles in her nearly 26 years.
To America, she is the granddaughter of a former president, the daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura, a sister to her fraternal twin, Barbara, and a teacher to elementary school students in Washington, D.C. But recently, Bush has taken on several new roles and she sat down with Diane Sawyer to discuss her work with UNICEF, her engagement to Henry Hager that made headlines around the world and her first book, “Ana’s Story.”
When asked whether she agrees with her father about the Iraq War, Bush said, “You know I’m not here to talk about that, but I’m also not a policymaker. It’s a really complicated, obviously a very complicated subject. Everybody can agree on that.” Bush told Sawyer she doesn’t worry about her father’s poll numbers, “because nobody knows him as a person. I mean, he’s my father. I separate it, you know? He’s a different person to me than what they portray him as. He’s a totally different person. I think that’s normal, I mean, he’s my dad.”
Here is a chart that show how if the US were attacked by a foreign group of invaders, (as we have in Iraq) and we had as many people killed as Iraq has by us. This is how many people would be dead.
Saw this on the great Bartcop
Bush had to miss some of the meeting at the G8 Summit today, he had a “stomach ailment” Perhaps his queasiness was because he was slamming Beers with German Chancellor Andrea Merkel, (The same Merkel he tried to massage last time they got together) check out the pics.
Now of course Bush’s people are saying the Beer is non alcoholic, yeah right. Even if it was, “Non Alcoholic” Beer still has some alcohol in it, and Alcholics are advised to stay away from it.
Maybe the “stomach ailment” was the same kind that his father had when be barfed all over the Japanese prime minister at a gathering many years ago. They blamed it on Bad Sushi, yeah right. I’m sure the Sushi they serve world leaders in Japan is rancid as hell.
Well it looks like HL’s Comics has predicted the future yet again. Here’s one I did way back on May 18, 2005 Called Bush Brews His Own
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Here is a map of all the wildfires currently burning in Florida. I found this on What Really Notice how all the areas where wildfires are burning are where the Republicans live, and all the areas that are not burning. (Southeast part of the state, like Miami) are where the Democrats mostly live. More bad Karma for foisting the Bush nightmare on us all. Actually California has already had a few fires and it’s only May. The fire season doesn’t usually start until late August. That’s because we had no rain this winter. The driest Winter ever in L.A. which means that we will be having lots of fires all summer long. One more sign of the global warming catastrophe coming our way.
The ACLU is hand delivering a petition to congress demanding our civil rights are restored.
For almost seven years, George W. Bush has repeatedly violated the Constitution and stripped away the fundamental rights that define our country. Congress and the American people have let it happen.
The America we know is disappearing, and the time to reverse this trend is now. I urge you to act immediately to:
1. Restore habeas corpus and due process.
2. Pass the Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007.
3. End torture and abuse in secret prisons.
4. Stop extraordinary rendition: secretly kidnapping people and sending them to countries that torture.
5. Close the detention center at Guantánamo Bay and give those held there access to justice.
6. Investigate wrongdoing and ensure those who broke the law are held accountable.
7. Restore American values and the rule of law.
HL’s Advertisers keep this site going so go on over and sign the petition for America
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