Obama Gets Bounce From Overseas Trip
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on July 27th, 2008 4:42 am by HL
Obama Gets Bounce From Overseas Trip
When asked about the political ramifications about his recent trip abroad, Sen. Barack Obama told the New York Times, “I wouldn’t even be surprised if in some polls we saw a little bit of a dip because we’ve been out of the country for a week.”
However, at least two daily tracking polls show Obama getting a decent 6-7 point bounce.
Before the trip:
After the trip:
Another McCain Veep Rumor
Marc Ambinder: “On Sunday, McCain hosts a group of political allies and major fundraisers at his ranch in Sedona, AZ. That’s a fact. The rumor is that he’s going to use the event to introduce his vice presidential choice to his inner circle, and then, on Monday, introduce the choice to the world.”