Obama delivers first Democratic video address.
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 16th, 2008 5:32 am by HL
Obama delivers first Democratic video address.
Yesterday, President-elect Barack Obama recorded the “Democratic Radio Address” using video as well as audio. The New York Times notes, “It may seem like a political no-brainer in the age of YouTube, but as aides to Mr. Obama pointed out, it is a first for a president or president-elect.” In the message, Obama urges Congress […]
Yesterday, President-elect Barack Obama recorded the “Democratic Radio Address” using video as well as audio. The New York Times notes, “It may seem like a political no-brainer in the age of YouTube, but as aides to Mr. Obama pointed out, it is a first for a president or president-elect.” In the message, Obama urges Congress to “pass at least a down-payment on a rescue plan that will create jobs, relieve the squeeze on families, and help get the economy growing again.” Watch it: