Archive for November 25th, 2008
Beware of Transition Leaks
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 25th, 2008 5:37 am by HL
Beware of Transition Leaks
Felix Salmon notes that if you read Saturday’s Wall Street Journal, you would have expected the following individuals to be named today as key members of President-elect Obama’s economic team:
- Peter Orszag as director of OMB
- Jacob Lew as chair of the National Economic Council
- Jason Furman as Lew’s deputy chair at the NEC
- Austan Goolsbee as chair the Council of Economic Advisers
However, not only were none of these individuals named today, the jobs as head of the NEC and CEA actually went to other individuals.
Writes Salmon: “If I were Lew or Goolsbee I’d be furious at the WSJ report, and at whoever the sources were for it, because now they both look as though they had the jobs in question until someone better came along.”
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Late Late Nite FDL: Chameleon
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 25th, 2008 5:36 am by HL
Late Late Nite FDL: Chameleon
Gov’t Mule covering Chameleon (by Herbie Hancock), live at The Saenger Theatre, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 3, 2003, with special guests Dirty Dozen Brass Band Horns, Paul Jackson, and Bernie Worrell.
What’s on your mind tonight?
Gov’t Mule covering Chameleon (by Herbie Hancock), live at The Saenger Theatre, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 3, 2003, with special guests Dirty Dozen Brass Band Horns, Paul Jackson, and Bernie Worrell.
What’s on your mind tonight?
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Cavemen Clearly Control the Mainstream Media: Just Look at How Women Were Treated During the Election
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 25th, 2008 5:35 am by HL
Cavemen Clearly Control the Mainstream Media: Just Look at How Women Were Treated During the Election
The good, the bad and the ugly of this political season’s media coverage of women.
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Poll: More Think Obama Won’t Be Able To Do Much To Improve The Economy
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 25th, 2008 5:34 am by HL
Poll: More Think Obama Won’t Be Able To Do Much To Improve The Economy
An interesting number from the new ABC poll: How much do you think Obama will be able to do to improve the economy — a great deal, a good amount, only some or not much at all? Great deal/good amount:…
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Long Term
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 25th, 2008 5:33 am by HL
Long Term
After it became clear that Obama’s trip through the Middle East was not only error-free but wildly successful (because of Maliki’s gambit), there’s been a third wave of press chatter and fretting to the effect that Obama’s trip may now…
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Dick Morris repeatedly promoted GOP PAC on-air without disclosing his financial ties to the group.
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 25th, 2008 5:32 am by HL
Dick Morris repeatedly promoted GOP PAC on-air without disclosing his financial ties to the group.
Media Matters reports that in the month before the election, Fox News pundit Dick Morris “repeatedly used his columns and Fox News appearances to promote and raise money for the National Republican Trust PAC without disclosing that the organization has paid $24,000 to a company apparently connected to Morris, according to FEC filings.” Watch a […]
Media Matters reports that in the month before the election, Fox News pundit Dick Morris “repeatedly used his columns and Fox News appearances to promote and raise money for the National Republican Trust PAC without disclosing that the organization has paid $24,000 to a company apparently connected to Morris, according to FEC filings.” Watch a compilation of Morris’s appearances:
According to Media Matters, Morris made at least 13 appearances on Fox News during which he “repeatedly promoted, praised, and fundraised for — all while appearing as a Fox News ‘political analyst.’” The National Republican Trust PAC was responsible for the ads tying Barack Obama to Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
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Ten Random, Politically Incorrect Thoughts
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on November 25th, 2008 5:28 am by HL
Ten Random, Politically Incorrect Thoughts
1. Four years of high-school Latin would dramatically arrest the decline in American education. In particular, such instruction would do more for minority youths than all the ‘role model’ diversity sermons on Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Montezuma, and Caesar Chavez put together. Nothing so enriches the vocabulary, so instructs about English grammar and syntax, so creates a discipline of the mind, an elegance of expression, and serves as a gateway to the thinking and values of Western civilization as mastery of a page of Virgil or Livy (except perhaps Sophocles’s Antigone in Greek or Thucydides’ dialogue at Melos). After some 20 years of teaching mostly minority youth Greek, Latin, and ancient history and literature in translation (1984-2004), I came to the unfortunate conclusion that ethnic studies, women studies–indeed, anything “studies”– were perhaps the fruits of some evil plot dreamed up by illiberal white separatists to ensure that poor minority students in the public schools and universities were offered only a third-rate education. 2. Hollywood is going the way of Detroit. The actors are programmed and pretty rather than interesting looking and unique. They, of course, are overpaid (they do to films what Lehman Brothers’ execs did to stocks), mediocre, and politicized. The producers and directors are rarely talented, mostly unoriginal–and likewise politicized. A pack-mentality rules. Do one movie on a comic superhero–and suddenly we get ten, all worse than the first. One noble lion cartoon movie earns us eagle, penguin and most of Noah’s Arc sequels. Now see poorer remakes of movies that were never good to begin with. I doubt we will ever see again a Western like Shane, the Searchers, High Noon, or the Wild Bunch. If one wishes to see a fine film, they are now usually foreign, such as Das Boot or Breaker Morant. Watching any recent war movie (e.g., Iraq as the Rape of Nanking) is as if someone put uniforms on student protestors and told them to consult their professors for the impromptu script.