McClellan, McClellan, McClellan
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on May 30th, 2008 4:39 am by HL
McClellan, McClellan, McClellan First Read notes that coverage of Scott McClellan’s White House memoir, What Happened, continues to dominate the news and “the White House has done nothing to try to push this story out of the headlines.”
“McClellan will appear on Olbermann tonight, as well as on Meet the Press on Sunday. This is turning into a five-day news story — minimum. And that’s not just unhelpful to Bush as he attempts to repair his image even a little, but also to John McCain, who doesn’t need White House Bush drama eating into his coverage. Also, nevermind how McClellan has stepped on Clinton’s final attempt to bring attention to the Florida-Michigan process.”
In an interview on the Today Show, McClellan indicated it was his use as a “pawn” in the Valerie Plame case that caused him to become disillusioned with the White House.
Quote of the Day
“The White House would prefer that I not talk openly about my experiences… I have a higher loyalty than my loyalty necessary to my past work. That’s a loyalty to the truth.”
— Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, quoted by Politico, on why he wrote What Happened.