Ollie North Believes We Are Fighting A Religious War In The Middle East
You may know that Rod Parsley, apocalyptic preacher in the Columbus, Ohio area, is a big McCain supporter. Well, so is Ollie North, known subverter of the U.S. Constitution and “good Christian.”
You may know that Rod Parsley, apocalyptic preacher in the Columbus, Ohio area, is a big McCain supporter. Well, so is Ollie North, known subverter of the U.S. Constitution and “good Christian.”
Here is a column that North wrote on McCain a little while back:
Sen. McCain has pledged to win this war. We must do so, for the consequences of failure would be staggering. But as he has acknowledged, he cannot do that without the support of conservatives who man the phone banks, raise the funds, walk the precincts and turn out the vote on Election Day. I hope my fellow conservatives will decide as I have: We need John McCain as commander in chief.
So naturaly, when North came to speak to the faithful at the World Harvest Church where Parsley is pastor, I was intrigued. As were some others apparently, as I have a transcript taken from a recording of what was said. And it wasn’t pretty:
Ollie: (I want to share something) Along the lines of Pastor Parsley was talking about.
Should we remain silent given the clash of cult and civilization that we’re seeing?
By the way, thank you for making FOX News number 1.
They (the soldiers I see) also are bold about their faith. (They say) you see, I know where I’m going and I know why I’m going there. Now if you don’t understand what I just said, then you come up and see me later and I’ll explain the rest. And it doesn’t have anything to do with how equipped their armor is. . it doesn’t have anything to do with how courageous they are in the field.
It’s the words of Paul, in the church in Rome as we’re struggling against incredible threat. Paul writes. If you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and you confess with your rest that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that Christ was raised from the dead by God the Father, you will be saved. Now that’s pretty straightforward.
The pictures of these youngsters gathering in prayer, literally kneeling and praying. They are not pictures getting ready for a football game. They know they may not come back and they’re bold about it. My colleagues in the mainstream media never show that.
When you’re out there in the field with them and you live with them for weeks on end, you’re seeing these remarkable professions of faith. That it be confessed from their lips that He is Lord.
You know, one of the ways in which the world is going to be changed is by pastors like Pastor Parsley.
You have youngsters out there who are walking the walk. For the very first time in history, Muslim women since the schism between Sunni and Shi’a in the seven hundreds, Muslim women are being protected by Christian men and women wearing the uniform of the United States.
I stand before you today as living proof of the power of prayer.
The youngsters I cover know the power of prayer.
So if I understand this correctly 1) There is a titanic class of civilizations (Christian vs. Muslim) 2) Our soldiers are winning because of prayer to a Christian God, because “they know where they’re going” 3) Their women need our Christian soldiers to protect them, while we kill their heathen men 4) Prayer also played some role in making Fox number 1.
Does that sound about right? Tune in tomorrow, when we tell you what Pastor Parsley said. But in the meantime, remember once again that Olliver North is a big McCain supporter. And he subscribes to a view that prayerful Christians are fulfilling God’s will by killing men have not accepted “Jesus as Lord” (not to mention Jewish, Hindu or atheist soldiers–but they don’t count anyhow), as he, and so many of our troops have.
Now tell me, how is this different from what Muslim theocrats believe? And when will John McCain be asked about his good friend Mr. North and whether he renounces him, or better yet, renounces, rejects, dejects and abhors him.