Bush Expanding “War on Terror” to Somalia
Posted in H.L. News, Main Blog (All Posts) on June 5th, 2007 7:13 am by HL
The Somalia Strike
The Nation
Here’s something that didn’t come up at Sunday’s Democratic debate: Under what authorization did President Bush order a military strike on Somalia this past Friday–essentially widening the “war on terror”?
That’s why I think it’s useful that John Edwards is attacking the Bush Administration for its cynical use of “the war on terror” metaphor. A bad bumper sticker, he likes to call it, that “has created a frame that is not accurate and that Bush and his gang have used to justify anything they want to do…”
Yes, let’s end the disastrous war in Iraq but let’s not lose sight of how this Administration is USING the 2002 war authorization. It must be repealed, so as to provide some check on this Administration’s ability to wage secret wars on obscure battle fronts, large and small, and inflate a real, but limited threat of terrorism into an open-ended global war. Maybe there’s a question in here for one of the next Presidential debates?
HL’s Take
Did they suddenly discover untapped oil reserves in Somalia. Or is Bush once again just trying to look like he is doing something?
June 5th, 2007 at 7:49 am
Thank God we are destroying the Islamo fascists