A dictatorship would be a lot easier… So long as I’m the dictator. George W. Bush
Bush’s popularity is as low in this countries as Hitler, even republican politicians shun him in fear of having thier elections tainted by the smell of the half wit monkey. The people, hate him, congress hates him, YET THEY KEEP GIVING HIM MORE POWER. Why is that? what are they afraid of??? Anthrax??
Prison Planet
Bush administration has taken the position that it can detain anyone — anyone, U.S. citizens included — by, in its sole discretion, labeling that person an enemy combatant. Bush did that in the case of citizen Jose Padilla, simply asserting that he was a terrorist, and locking him up in a Navy prison in South Carolina for three years without charges. Padilla filed suit, and the Bush administration argued successfully to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit that it could hold Padilla indefinitely as an enemy combatant. It was only following Padilla’s appeal to the Supreme Court that the administration filed criminal charges against him, apparently fearful that the Supreme Court would rule in Padilla’s favor.
There has been a great deal of discussion about the Military Commissions Act of 2006 [.pdf], recently passed by both
of Congress, and most
of it has to do with the provisions allowing torture of alien detainees, that is, of non-citizens apprehended in, say,
or Iraq, and
their treatment at the hands of their American captors. Senators John McCain, Lindsey
Graham, and John Warner, all Republicans, grandstanded for weeks over the torture provisions, then capitulated. Another “Republican maverick,” Arlen Specter, zeroed in on the real issue, however, when he
said the bill would set us back 800 years by repealing the habeas corpus protections against arbitrary arrest and jailings – and then went ahead and voted for it, anyway…
Congress has now granted the president the powers of a dictator. The rest of the story of our slide into absolutism is merely a matter of filling in the details.
H.L.s Take
As usual a few Democrats voted for this. The usual suspects Lieberman, (who I guess is still a republican until he leaves office) Landrieux, the Nelson twins, and a couple of others. You know the DINO’s. Will they continue voting for whatever Bush wants if Democrats take control of congress? Probably.