Open Source: Woman Hides Camera to Reveal Life Under Islamic State Rule
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on September 25th, 2014 11:08 pm by HL
Open Source: Woman Hides Camera to Reveal Life Under Islamic State Rule
A woman in Raqqa, Syria, documented life under Islamic State rule by concealing a camera in the folds of the cloak she is compelled to wear.
Chile: Explosive Device Kills One Person in Santiago
A homemade bomb exploded in Santiago, Chile’s capital, on Thursday, killing one man, the police said.
United Nations General Assembly: President Mahmoud Abbas Preps for U.N. Speech
President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority wants a Security Council resolution that sets a deadline to end Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory, and calls for a Palestinian state to be established.
France Proposes Tough Antismoking Measures
The rules to be submitted to Parliament include plain packages for cigarettes and restricting the public use of e-cigarettes.