Ethiopian Activists Fight US-Backed Land Seizures
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on September 12th, 2014 11:08 pm by HL
Ethiopian Activists Fight US-Backed Land Seizures
From: Foreign Policy In Focus
Backed by US development aid, the Ethiopian government is seizing land, demolishing homes and cracking down on activists in a bid to expand its capital city.
Will DOJ Intervention Improve Policing in Ferguson?
From: Dani McClain
There's debate over whether federal government involvement will make a difference in Ferguson. Cincinnati, site of a police shooting in 2002, offers clues on how to address racially biased policing.
How VAWA Can Make It Easier for Women to Leave Their Abusers
From: Bryce Covert
The country has made real progress toward reducing domestic violence—but VAWA can do more in ensuring economic security for survivors.