Spousal Secrets no More
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on August 24th, 2014 11:08 pm by HL
Spousal Secrets no More
Eugene Robinson, RealClearPolitics
WASHINGTON — How far would you go to stay out of jail? Would you publicly humiliate your wife of 38 years, portraying her as some kind of shrieking harridan? Would you put the innermost secrets of your marriage on display, inviting voyeurs to rummage at will? For Robert McDonnell, the former Virginia governor on trial for alleged corruption, the answers appear to be: “As far as necessary,” “Hey, why not?” and “Sounds like a plan.” McDonnell’s testimony this week in a Richmond federal courtroom about his wife Maureen’s psychological turmoil has been both cringe-worthy and compelling. It has…
Are Republicans Abandoning the Obamacare Issue? Doubtful
David Harsanyi, RealClearPolitics
In a bit of dubious cherry-picking, a new Bloomberg article concludes that the Affordable Care Act is losing its effectiveness as a political issue for Republicans and is diminishing as a major issue. How do we know the end is near-ish? Well, so many Americans are “benefiting from the law,” theorizes Heidi Przybyla, that political ads are simply not doing the job anymore. This news is somewhat unexpected — and unpersuasive — when you consider that a Kaiser Family Foundation poll recently found that only 15 percent of Americans believe Obamacare has directly helped them, whereas 28 percent…
Obamacare, Beyond the Label
E.J. Dionne, RealClearPolitics
WASHINGTON — The Affordable Care Act was supposed to be a slam dunk issue for the Republicans in this fall’s elections. Karl Rove told us so in April, writing that “Obamacare is and will remain a political problem for Democrats.”So how’s that Obamacare thing working out for the GOP? The most significant bit of election news over the last week was the decision of Sen. Mark Pryor, the embattled Arkansas Democrat, to run an ad touting his vote for the health care law as a positive for the people of his increasingly Republican state. Pryor’s ad is so soft and personal that it’s almost…
Hillary Clinton & the Perils of Being on Top
David Shribman, RealClearPolitics
The NFL preseason still has a few days left. The 2016 presidential preseason still has a few months left — for every candidate but Hillary Rodham Clinton. For Ms. Clinton, familiar to Americans as first lady, senator from New York and secretary of state, there is no preseason. She’s been at the center of American attention for almost a quarter-century. No American woman in our history has been so prominent for so long, with the possible exception of Eleanor Roosevelt, who was in the public eye for 29 years but who held no elected office. Susan B. Anthony was involved in…