Karachi Journal: Fishermen Cross an Imperceptible Line Into Enemy Waters
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on August 24th, 2014 11:08 pm by HL
Karachi Journal: Fishermen Cross an Imperceptible Line Into Enemy Waters
Several thousand fishermen, both Pakistani and Indian, have been arrested at sea in recent years, accused of crossing a border they cannot see and whose exact location is in dispute.
Strife in Libya Could Presage Long Civil War
An assault on Libya’s main international airport has drawn fractious militias, tribes and towns into a national conflagration that many Libyans despaired would have no resolution.
Israel Says Missile Strike Killed Hamas Official Handling ‘Terror Funds’
The Israeli military said the Hamas official had been responsible for the militant group’s financial transactions.
Sinosphere Blog: Case Against Australian Businessman Could Put A Hitch in His Swagger
A Chinese company claims that Clive Palmer, the Australian mining magnate, used money intended for an iron ore port on his political party instead.
China Says 8 Executed in Western Region; Charges Stem From Separatist Attacks
The executions were the latest display of might by the Chinese government, which is trying to extinguish increasingly violent discontent among Uighurs.