Nixon’s Ghost, 40 Years On
Posted in Main Blog (All Posts) on August 5th, 2014 11:08 pm by HL
Nixon’s Ghost, 40 Years On
Ruth Marcus, RealClearPolitics
WASHINGTON — Forty years after he slunk out of office, Richard M. Nixon retains the capacity to astonish and disgust. Just when you thought you could no longer be shocked by Nixon’s willingness to abuse power, his seething resentments and paranoia, and his florid anti-Semitism, another round of tapes emerges. To listen to them — I highly recommend HBO’s new “Nixon by Nixon: In His Own Words” — is to be reminded, again, of the 37th president’s unrelenting self-absorption. The question is always about what is best for Nixon, never what is best for the country; his willingness to hijack the…
Patrolmen Without Borders
John Stossel, RealClearPolitics
If I drive across a U.S. border, I expect to stop at a Border Patrol checkpoint. But imagine driving to the grocery store, or Mom’s house, well inside America, and being stopped by the Border Patrol. Many Americans don’t have to imagine it — it’s how they live. Even as the federal government fails to control the southern border, it sends the Border Patrol farther into the interior, where Americans complain that agents harass people who are already U.S. citizens. It’s legal. The Supreme Court ruled that the Border Patrol can set up “inland” checkpoints anywhere up to 100 miles from an…